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Moving Over from Elk


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I have spent the last day moving programs over from Elk rules, to ISY programs. I have to say, it is a pleasure to be able to write programs in ISY accessing virtually all of the features of Elk. The flexibility, ease of programming, ease of organizing in ISY, and abundant memory is making this a pleasure.


Thanks for getting this going!


I would like to have an outline of all the commands, their trigger conditions and their true/false determinants. A nice table would be great.




Command- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - Trigger - - - - - -- - -- -- - --- -- True state - - - - - False state

Elk zone x status is normal- - - -zone changes status -- -- - - - Zone Secure - - - - - zone violated/trouble/bypassed


I think this would be great for the wiki. If we decided on a format, I would be happy to take a section of the commands and outline it.

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