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Elk Module - Custom Email with "any" zone in alarm status


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Is it now possible to have the ISY send an email based on an alarm condition on the Elk M1? My thought is to have a custom email that would insert the zone and its condition and send it off as an email when there is a zone in alarm. I tried to think this through but there are just too many options, which is a good thing. I just don't fully understand what they do. Any ideas?


This would be very useful as one of the limitations in the elk was the lack of email capability, only 16 emails meant that there could only be 16 different possible zone notices.

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Well...That would be better because there isn't a limit of 16 emails, but...I was thinking more along the line of:


If ELk goes into alarm


then send email to recipient with said alarm in the body and/or subject. One email with one rule encompassing all possible zones once they go into alarm.


Something configurable like the custom emails with system date, time, etc variables.

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I have been tinkering and this is what I have, it's not working:



Elk Area "House" ALarm state is not no alarm active



Send notification to "Bob Emails" content "ELk email test"






The elk email test is:





what did i miss?

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The elk email test is:


what did i miss?


The only way I was able to get this to work was to replace the '#'s with a area number and a zone number. I wonder how you would pass the area and zone numbers that caused the violation to the email?


Regards, Frank

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Hi gatchel,


Please check your error log for -5000x errors and let me know if you find any. Also, you might want to try right mouse click on the program and then choose Run Then.


With kind regards,



I cleared the error log, did the "run then" and ehecked the error log:


Time User Code Message

Sun 2011/11/27 07:42:45 PM System -50001 -19



This is what I found. Prior to doing this the only -5000's I could find were from several months ago.

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Well...That would be better because there isn't a limit of 16 emails, but...I was thinking more along the line of:


If ELk goes into alarm


then send email to recipient with said alarm in the body and/or subject. One email with one rule encompassing all possible zones once they go into alarm.


Something configurable like the custom emails with system date, time, etc variables.


Hi gatchel,


The issue is that the ISY does not know the reason an area goes into alarm, instead it appears as a series of events. For example, you may get a Zone Violated event, followed by an Entrance delay Active event, followed by a Burglar Alarm event.


I notice you have recognized the format of many of the Elk variables in notifications. You can display, for example, the status of Zone 3 with variable ${elk.zone.3.status}. Anytime you see a # it means that the number in the event that caused the program to run should be used. For example, if Zone 5 is violated and the program runs for that event, then ${elk.zone.#.status} is equivalent to ${elk.zone.5.status}


This program will send a notification if either Zone 1,2, or 3 is violated while the Lobby is Armed Fully.

       Elk Area 'Lobby' 'Arm Up State' is Armed Fully
   And (
            Elk Zone 'Zone 001' is Violated
         Or Elk Zone 'Zone 002' is Violated
         Or Elk Zone 'Zone 003' is Violated

       Send Notification to 'me' content 'Zone Status'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Content of 'Zone Status' Email
Lobby : ${elk.zone.#.name} : ${elk.zone.#.status}

This does not take into account bypassed zones, or entrance delays, etc. so it may take more than one program to meet your needs.

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Thank you.


I used your example and created (and Tested) some programs to email status of zones that become violated.


I was thinking that maybe there was a "check this box" way of sending all violations to an email with the variable information in them but the multiple program method will work fine. Besides, the ISY has an upgradeable memory card so the program space should be plenty 8)


Thanks again for your help.

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