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Can link new 2476D switch to ISY-99

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I have 12 other 2476D already working with my ISY-99. I ordered another switch, and I have tried adding it to my network, and it won't find the switch. I have the proper address from the front of the switch. I have held the set button down on the switch for 4-5 seconds, and then attempted to start linking and it won't find the switch. Also, I have tried manually typing in the address of the switch with adding new device and that didn't work either.





ISY v.2.8.16


I can't figure it out, I never add any problems with any of my other 2476D switches.


The error I get is the following when try to link it.

"Node not added - failed removing links (1A 48 57 1) [-200000/-9]


Did I just get a bad switch? Any one have any suggestions?

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Could be a defective SwitchLinc. Could be something on that specific circuit. A few things to try..


Factory Reset the SwitchLinc


An easy way to determine if the SwitchLinc or the circuit is to connect the SwitchLinc to an Appliance cord available from most any hardware or home improvement store. They come with a plug on one end and bare wires on the other. Just wire nut the SwitchLinc to the bare ends (cap the red load wire) and plug the SwitchLinc into the circuit where the PLM is located.


If it does not work there the SwitchLinc is bad. If it adds to the ISY there then something on the original circuit is suspect.


Of course the SwitchLinc has to be removed first. I test all wired devices with an appliance cord before installing just to be sure they work. Rarely is a device DOA but it does happen. It only takes a few seconds to wire nut a new device to the appliance cord coming out of the box.



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I tried resetting to factory default and that didn't fix the problem. I will try next wiring the switch to the appliance cord as your recommended.


I hope it's a bad switch, it doesn't sound like too much fun chasing down if it's a circuit issue if it works from the appliance cord.

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Well, before I wired the switch to the appliance cord, I had the PLM plugged into one of those, you get 6 outlets, and it plugs into the 2 outlets in the wall. I removed that, and then the ISY was able to find the switch. It seems strange to me that all my other switches work with that old setup, but the new switch didn't. So, I removed that outlet adapter and left it off and now is all working fine. :?

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