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Voltages Don't Update


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1) if you list a voltage in an "if" clause, will the voltage be a trigger? Obviously something else would have to cause a query first.


2) if a voltage is in an "if" clause and the program triggers for any reason, will the voltage be read as is or will it do a self query at that time?

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1. Yes, the voltage will be a trigger if the event being tested was a voltage event.


The program conditions are only evaluated when an event occurs, therefore to test for the voltage you would have to query it first. For example, you could write a program that polls the voltage by querying it every X seconds, and whenever the voltage changes a voltage event would be generated.



An implicit query by the ISY is never performed, therefore the current value is always used when evaluating the conditions.

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Final question:


Would freqent querries tie up significant resources? like if you had it go every second, would other ISY Elk communications suffer?


Hi apostolakisl,


We haven't done any analysis of this, but I would assume that once every second could cause some delays when there is a lot of activity going on. I think it would just be up to the individual installation to determine the best interval to use.

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