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Program Getting Stuck in Loop?


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Below is a sampling of my log showing the program that is behaving oddly. I don't know why. At times this program will run hundreds of times, sometimes it will just run a few times. I am referring to the Master keypad D.


Here are the only two programs that have anything to do with that. Master Keypad D is a kpl button. I have scowered my programs making sure I don't have some orphaned program somewhere doing something, but I can't find any. I also went through my elk rules and could find any there either. The purpose of these programs is to arm the system in night mode from the kpl next to the bed and to have the led follow the status of the system.


       Elk Area 'Main House' 'Arm Up State' is Armed Fully
    Or Elk Area 'Main House' 'Arm Up State' is Armed with Exit Timer

       Set Scene 'Master Keypad D' On

       Set Scene 'Master Keypad D' Off

       Control 'Master Bedroom / Master Bedroom Keypad / Mstr Bed Key D Alarm' is switched On

       Set Elk Area 'Main House' Arm Night

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:43:17 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:43:19 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:43:20 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:43:23 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:43:25 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:43:26 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:43:29 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:43:46 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:43:50 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:43:52 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:43:53 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:44:02 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:44:03 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:44:11 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:44:14 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:44:18 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:44:19 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:44:32 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:44:34 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:44:36 PM	Program	Log
X10	A5	 	Thu 2011/12/08 02:44:38 PM	System	Log
X10	A5	On (3)	Thu 2011/12/08 02:44:38 PM	System	Log
A10 a5 1	Status	100%	Thu 2011/12/08 02:44:38 PM	System	Log
X10	A5	 	Thu 2011/12/08 02:44:39 PM	System	Log
X10	A5	On (3)	Thu 2011/12/08 02:44:39 PM	System	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:44:41 PM	Program	Log
X10	A6	 	Thu 2011/12/08 02:44:56 PM	System	Log
X10	A6	On (3)	Thu 2011/12/08 02:44:57 PM	System	Log
A10 a6 1	Status	100%	Thu 2011/12/08 02:44:57 PM	System	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:45:19 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:45:23 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:45:26 PM	Program	Log
Kitchen / Pantry-Light L	Beep	100	Thu 2011/12/08 02:45:27 PM	Program	Log
Kitchen / Pantry-Light L	Beep	100	Thu 2011/12/08 02:45:27 PM	Program	-1
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:45:27 PM	Program	Log
X10	A6	 	Thu 2011/12/08 02:45:27 PM	System	Log
X10	A6	 	Thu 2011/12/08 02:45:28 PM	System	Log
X10	A6	On (3)	Thu 2011/12/08 02:45:29 PM	System	Log
X10	A5	 	Thu 2011/12/08 02:45:41 PM	System	Log
X10	A5	Off (11)	Thu 2011/12/08 02:45:41 PM	System	Log
A10 a5 1	Status	0%	Thu 2011/12/08 02:45:41 PM	System	Log
X10	A5	 	Thu 2011/12/08 02:45:42 PM	System	Log
X10	A5	Off (11)	Thu 2011/12/08 02:45:42 PM	System	Log
Kitchen / Pantry-Light L	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:45:57 PM	Program	Log
Kitchen / Pantry-Light L	Status	0%	Thu 2011/12/08 02:45:58 PM	System	Log
X10	A6	 	Thu 2011/12/08 02:46:31 PM	System	Log
X10	A6	Off (11)	Thu 2011/12/08 02:46:32 PM	System	Log
A10 a6 1	Status	0%	Thu 2011/12/08 02:46:32 PM	System	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:47:13 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:47:15 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:47:17 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:47:21 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:47:22 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:47:24 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:47:25 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:47:27 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:47:34 PM	Program	Log
Kitchen / Pantry-Light L	Status	100%	Thu 2011/12/08 02:47:35 PM	System	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:47:38 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:48:45 PM	Program	Log
X10	A6	 	Thu 2011/12/08 02:48:45 PM	System	Log
X10	A6	On (3)	Thu 2011/12/08 02:48:46 PM	System	Log
A10 a6 1	Status	100%	Thu 2011/12/08 02:48:46 PM	System	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:48:54 PM	Program	Log
X10	A6	 	Thu 2011/12/08 02:48:54 PM	System	Log
X10	A6	 	Thu 2011/12/08 02:48:55 PM	System	Log
X10	A6	On (3)	Thu 2011/12/08 02:48:55 PM	System	Log
Kitchen / Pantry-Light L	Beep	100	Thu 2011/12/08 02:50:45 PM	Program	Log
Kitchen / Pantry-Light L	Beep	100	Thu 2011/12/08 02:50:45 PM	Program	-1
Kitchen / Pantry-Light L	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:51:15 PM	Program	Log
Kitchen / Pantry-Light L	Status	0%	Thu 2011/12/08 02:51:16 PM	System	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:51:30 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Keypad D	Off	0	Thu 2011/12/08 02:51:45 PM	Program	Log

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Hi apostolakisl,


I tried these programs and they work fine for me, they would never loop in any way. Its possible this was a bug that was incidently fixed in the new build (not yet out), or you may have missed something.



- Did your program work for awhile and then start to fail (loop), or did it always loop whenever you tried it?

- Was there a lot of Elk activity while this happened?


For debugging:

- In program summary, you could also sort by last run time, to see if any other programs are being run while its looping.

- You could try incrementing a variable where you are doing 'Keypad D' Off. By watching the variable, you could verify whether or not that program is the one doing all the 'Keypad D' Off commands.


       Set Scene 'Master Keypad D' Off
       $Int_temp += 1

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I reset the counter right after I wrote the last post to 0. I just checked it, it is now 100.


It does not appear to be a loop, it appears that this program just keeps triggering even though the alarm state is not changing. The alarm has been off the entire time.


It seems to run in little bursts.

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I think I found the problem. The arm up status changes every time you trigger a zone, usually from "Ready to Arm" to "Not Ready to Arm", and then back again. Therefore in your case, anytime you trip one of the zones, its causing the Else to run. I think the simplest solution would be to use two programs, and not use the Else clause.

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Another excellent example of how the programming structure of the ISY 99i is not friendly to ELSE statements. It is almost universally a bad idea to put anything in an ELSE on the ISY.


(Not even going to suggest the alternative)


It is all about triggers. Controlling what triggers a program is the key. Ideally there would be a drop down for every "if" statement that let you control whether it is a trigger on true, trigger on any, or never a trigger.


I wrote the program as two making both function only to the "then" statement. I think it should solve the problem and get rid of all that needless traffic.

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