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Help with this program


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I wrote this:


       Time is 10:00:00PM
   And Status  '0F.D2.3D.1/SDJ / 0F.D2.3D.B/Heater' is On
    Or Status  '14.7C.5C.1/SDJ Heater' is On

       Set Elk Speak Word '[800hz_Tone]'
       Set Elk Speak Word 'Warning'
       Set Elk Speak Word 'Heat'
       Set Elk Speak Word 'Is'
       Set Elk Speak Word 'On'
       Set Elk Speak Word 'In'
       Set Elk Speak Word 'Play'
       Set Elk Speak Word 'Room'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

How do I make this program repeat every five minutes until I drag my butt downstairs and physically turn off the heater? I assume it has to be done with some kind of if/then/else/true/false and at least one more program. Can anybody show me how?


Thank you.

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Add a Repeat and Wait before statements in the Then Clause. A Repeat of 288 covers 24 hours. Probable not need that long. Adjust for as many 5 minute periods to repeat message.



- No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')



Repeat 288 times

Wait 5 minutes

Existing statements



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


When the Status of the heater goes to Off the Repeat loop ends.

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The Wait should be put after the existing statements. Otherwise the first message will come at 10:05 rather than 10:00



- No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')



Repeat 288 times

existing statements

Wait 5 minutes



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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