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Trouble programming keypadlinc button for non-toggle


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I'm trying to configure a keypadlinc button to work in non-toggle mode, so that pressing it triggers an ISY program. But, I can't get it to work.


1. In the ISY console, I select the keypadlinc I want to configure, and press [buttons Toggle Mode].

2. Then, I click the button I want to change, and press [Toggle On/Off].

3. The program displays the somewhat confusing message "Physically click on , choose your desired state (on/off), and then click on Ok.


What does this prompt mean? Am I supposed to get the button into the "default" state (on/off) I want it to be in before I press it? Or am I supposed to get it in the state (on/off) representing the signal I want it to send when I press it? Or something else?


IAE, I've tried configuring the button both ways. Either way, it doesn't seem to work. After I have configured the button for non-toggle mode, I write a program where the If clause triggers on the button being switched on, and the then action turns on a scene. But, pressing the button causes nothing to happen. Using the Event Viewer, I can see that pressing the button causes various messages to occur. So, pressing the button does something. But I can't get it to trigger a program.


If I change the button back to toggle mode, and leaving my program and everything else unchanged, pressing the button (from off to on) DOES trigger the program. So, things don't work only when I've configured the button for non-toggle mode.


Any ideas?

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Which button is being changed?


When the button is in Toggle mode clicking the Toggle On/Off button brings up a popup asking do you want to set the button to non-toggle On or non-toggle Off mode. The non-toggle mode set depends on whether the On or OFf button in the popup is pressed.


When the button is in one of the non-toggle modes clicking the Toggle On/Off button restores the button to Toggle mode.


The 6 button ON/OFF buttons cannot be assigned the same three modes as other button

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Sorry, I'm confused. There are no on or off buttons in the pop-up. The pop-up tells me to physically press the button I'm changing.


If I (physically) press the button so as to turn it on, and then press Ok in the pop-up, what does that do? Does it configure the button to send an On command when I press it?


More to the point, what is the procedure to follow to configure the button to send an On command when it is pressed, and to be non-toggle?


Also, even when I (think) I have set the button to non-toggle mode, pressing the button fails to trigger an ISY program. Without changing anything in the ISY, if I change the button back to toggle mode, pressing it DOES trigger the program. So, I'm puzzled why a button configured for non-toggle fails to works as a program trigger.


Regarding, the 6-button on/off buttons, yes I understand. Only the 4 other buttons can be set to non-toggle mode.

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What is the firmware level of the Keypadlinc?


What is the firmware level of the ISY?


The following is what I see on 3.1.16 with a KeypadLinc at v.36


Likely the button is being set to non-toggle Off mode. The Event Viewer will show what command is coming from the KeypadLinc button press.


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It's an old keypadlinc, one of the first they shipped, I think. When I try to set the toggle mode on a newer model, I do see the choose toggle-mode pop-up you describe below. So, the older keypadlinc must be programmed differently.


It appears that the ISY tries to deal with the older keypadlinc, and instructs me to physically press the button to choose the state I want. I assume this means to choose whether the button sends an Off or an On command. So, here's what I tried this morning:


1. Use ISY to set the toggle mode.

2. Choose non-toggle for a button.

3. When the ISY tells me to physically press the button, press it so that it is ON.

4. Click Ok on the ISY pop-up.

5. At this point, the ISY says the button is in non-toggle mode.

6. The button is still on. The only way to turn it off is to press the bottom OFF button on the 6-button keypad.

7. Now the button is off (which I presume is its default state).

8. Press the button. It flashes twice, and presumable sends a command. Here is what I see in the event viewer:


Tue 01/17/2012 08:46:40 AM : [ 7 DF 1 3] DOF 0

Tue 01/17/2012 08:46:40 AM : [ 7 DF 1 3] ST 0


Hmm. Is that an Off command?


9. Use the ISY to revert the button to toggle mode.

10. Repeat the process to set the button to non-toggle mode. Only this time, do not physically press the button, thereby leaving it in the OFF state.

11. Press the button again. As before, it flashes twice. Here is what I see in the event viewer:


Tue 01/17/2012 08:50:22 AM : [ 7 DF 1 3] DOF 0


Hmm. Am I doing something wrong, or should I conclude that this old rev of the keypladinc simply doesn't do non-toggle mode correctly?


I should add that when I set the button to toggle mode, it does send On and Off commands, which do trigger ISY programs. But, no matter how I configure the button in non-toggle mode, I cannot get it to trigger a program.

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What does the Admin Console show for the KeypadLinc firmware level?


It is displayed on the line below the Node Name in the right hand pane.


Try having the KeypadLinc button On before clicking on Button Toggle Mode rather than turning it On afterward. I have some old KeypadLincs which I will test against once I know what the Admin Console shows for the firmware level.


Could be the older KeypadLincs cannot be programmed that way. Should be able to set to non-toggle Off using the KeypadLinc itself.


Could also be the KeypadLinc was added by selecting the specific Device Type rather than using Auto Discover. In this case the ISY will not know the KeypadLinc firmware level (v.00 is displayed) so the old method is being used.

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Thanks for your help.


The ISY reports the keypladlinc is v.29. (FWIW, my new keypadlincs are v.36.)


As you suggested, I tried turning the button ON before using the ISY to set it to non-toggle mode. After doing that, here is what I see when I press the button:


Tue 01/17/2012 09:31:07 AM : [ 7 DF 1 3] DOF 0

Tue 01/17/2012 09:31:07 AM : [ 7 DF 1 3] ST 0


Looks the same as before.


I can try configuring the button locally at the keypadlinc. But, boy, the instructions for doing that are rather complex and ambiguous!


Another idea I have is to give up on non-toggle mode for these older keypads. I could simulate a non-toggle by having the button's On command trigger an ISY program that runs my scene and then turns the button back off.

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I have some v.29 KeypadLincs. Will run the same test here.


Be sure to use the instructions for the old KeypadLincs. I'm pretty sure the button press sequence changed to rotate through the three toggle modes.


As an FYI if the Event Trace Level is set to Device communications events the actual command being sent can be seen. On command is 11, Off command is 13. The trace entries in the posts are the ISY conclusion which are Off commands. There is no doubt in my mind the KeypadLinc is sending Off commands only in non-toggle mode but the more detailed level of trace entries will show the actual command.

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I programmed button B of an 8 button v.29 KeypadLinc to non-toggle On mode. When the popup came up (different as you pointed out) I pressed the KeypadLinc button B On and then clicked Ok. Button B did go to non-toggle On mode. Subsequent presses of button B result in a double blink and the KeypadLinc button LED stays On. The event trace shows On commands only coming from the KeypadLinc.


I'm running 3.1.16. What ISY firmware is being used?


If you run the Event Viewer with Level: Device communications events selected, try setting the KeypadLinc button to non-toggle On mode by turning the KeypadLinc button On after the popup is displayed, I will compare the trace from your system with mine.

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Thanks for testing this.


I set up the button as you suggested. And now it is sending an On command. Previously, when I set it up this way, I was puzzled that the button's default state ended up being On. I had assumed it would be Off and, when I pressed it, it would flash (on), send the On command, and then revert to off. But, it looks like putting a button into non-toggle On state causes the button to stay on all the time.


Interestingly, I can push certain other buttons on the keypadlinc and cause the non-toggle button to turn off. I have no idea why that happens, since presumably none of the buttons are grouped. IAE, if I do cause the button to turn off, at that point and thereafter, pressing the button sends an Off command.


Given all of this strange behaviour, I think I'll go with my plan of leaving the buttons in toggle mode, and use an ISY program to simulate non-toggle mode, by having the program turning off the button that triggers it.

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Using the Program is fine.


As an FYI, non-toggle On mode buttons should blink twice and remain On, non-toggle Off mode buttons should blink twice and remain Off. On old KeypadLincs the button LED state actually controlled whether the button operated in non-toggle On or non-toggle Off. Some folks took advantage of this, turning the button LED On or Off to change the non-toggle mode. Later KeypadLincs stopped using the button LED as the control for non-toggle mode. On later KeypadLincs the button LED can be turned On for whatever reason and a button press will still issue the Off command when defined to be in non-toggle Off mode.


I mention that only because you have a mixture of old and new KeypadLincs.

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