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How to create addressable IR commands


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In an effort to simplify things for other people in my house, and try to save buttons on my remote, I've created addressable commands ie: Channel up = ON, Channel down = OFF, Volume up = FADE UP, and Volume down = FADE DOWN, (or close variations of those commands) for any selected device. I did this by assigning number buttons to a device ie: 1=front door, 2=rear soffit etc. etc. The numbered IR commands don't execute an insteon function, they merely run a program for a selected period of time, I chose 7 seconds, which then becomes false, see following example

       IR '1' is Pressed

       Wait  7 seconds
       Run program 'IR address Front Door' (Else Path)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

then the programs that actually execute the commands fade up, fade down, on or off

       IR 'Volume +' is Held
   And IR 'Volume +' is not Released

       Set 'Front Door' Fade Up

       Set 'Front Door' Fade Stop

are in conditional folders

Folder Conditions for 'IR Front Door'
Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run.

       Program 'IR address Front Door' is True

  Allow the programs in this folder to run.


I also like this for two reasons

1) because it's similiar to X-10 remote functions which I've become used to

and 2) because it saves buttons on the remote (w/o addressing 6 devices times 4 separate commands = 24 buttons, vs. addressing where 6 devices + 4 commands = only 10 buttons


Excellent, Zellerman. It occurs to me that this idea may also be useful with other types of controls such as X-10 remotes, or Insteon controllers when the next release with FadeUp/Down/Stop is out!

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