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Dual Band 6kpl turning on dimmer switch thats not linked


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Hi maybe someone can help me with this mystery. I have a dual band on/off kpl (2487s v.40) I have scene button C linked as a scene “out door security lights†I made a program that looks at the status of C and if on sends an x10 code for all lights on A (x2)which turns on my outside flood lights. I have a second program that looks at the status of C and send a x10 code for all lights off A (x2) which turns off my flood lights. The C scene works with no problems turning on and off my floods but what I have noticed is that it also turns on and off a dimmer switch (2476d v.38) which is located inside of the same 3-gang box. This switch is part of a 3-way and does not carry a load so no lights are turn on or off. Its companion switch does not change. If I manually turn the switch dimmer switch on and off it works as programmed with no problems and the C kpl does not respond. I checked my tables I see no links and I didn’t link the dimmer to the c kpl. I also tried to manually unlink the c kpl from the dimmer with no luck. Looked at my logs and I don’t see any log listing the dimmer when the c kpl is turned on and off. Anyone have any ideas. PS my firmware is up to date.

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Thanks Lee..I disabled the programs and your thinking was right the switch stoped responding to the kpc C button. Now I never programed that switch to respond to x10 signals, and when I programed the isy last month i erased all old links and started new. How is it that that switch is responding to x10 signals and how do I get it to stop? Thanks (like always) for all the help. DC

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Some devices where known to ship from the factory with test links and X10 addresses in them.

Did you do a Factory reset on it first or use the delete all found links choice when adding it to your setup?

I believe a factory reset is needed to remove X10 addresses or the manual set button sequence remove X10 address is required.

Many of us do a factory reset on every module before we install them into the ISY My Lighting.


If you use the local paddle on the switch in question. You may see the X10 message being sent in the Event Viewer. Choice #3 Communications Events.

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Thanks Brian..No I didn't factory reset the device before programing it. It was a brand new switch so I never thought to do that and I know I didn't program any x10 cmd into the switch so maybe it did ship that way. If I factory reset it can I use the "replace" program to rewrite it to it's old links or do I have to start all over? I see that there is a way to unlink be putting the switch in unlinking mode and sending a x10 signal 3x. I would like to hear what you guys think is my best option. Thanks DC

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Factory reset the SwitchLinc and then Restore Device for the SwitchLinc. Right click the SwitchLinc node and select Restore Device.


If could be a half link in the KPL. The simple solution to that possibility is to add the SwitchLinc to the Scene that has KPL button C as Controller. Then Delete the SwitchLinc from Scene.

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Thanks again Lee and Brian…I check my communications events (#3) and observed a x10 A1 rx on in the logs using the local paddle as you recommended Brian. I then put the switch into manual unlinking mode and sent 3x- “A1 on†commands to the switch it beeped and now every thing work correctly. Thanks again for the support and knowledge… I just wish every product had this type of user community and manufactures support!!!!

I’m just amazed on how great the isy99 works!

I just had one of my forty switches fail last week after a year in service (490 days). It went dead…no power… I called SH and they sent out a replacement with no problems ( I also ordered a few more to shelf just in case another one fails) I used the isy to replace the switch the process took less then 10 min. and I was back working with all the links reprogrammed. That alone is worth the price of the unit! Well until next time thanks again. DC

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