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Can mControl work with ISY ?


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I'm really happy with the automated functions programmed into isy, but I don't like having to manually intervene.


For example I have a "vacation mode" variable that I change from a value of 0 to 1 to invoke automatic light timers throughout the house. What I'd really like to do is change this value by running a command from an external program such as mControl.


I've made some progress with mControl and would like to explore the possibilities. I hope I am not offending the isy community by trying to use mControl as a GUI for isy.

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I’m not enough of a network guy to understand what affect the port number and userid are having. Can you try the simple forum I posted (with your local IP address) into a browser command line and confirm the basic REST part is working. Someone with more network savvy than I will have to pick up from there.

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Sorry for the delay but the rest part is working. I must have made a typo. Unfortunately I am still getting the confirm userid & password dialog box.


Yes I see the problem about ie9, but I'm using Firefox. Microsoft does offer a patch to allow userid:password in the http path.

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It's working, after I used the microsoft fix 50642. I'm stuck with ie because I'm issuing the commands from a whs v1. It's using ie7, which also has the problem of not accepting Userid:Password@IPaddress in the http:// path.


Thanks all for the help. I didn't expect results so soon.

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