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Moving switches around!


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In the process of upgrading my system; adding some things and moving some around. Here is what I'm planning:


1. Replacing 3 ToggleLinks with SwitchLinks.

2. Moving the 3 TL's to another part of the house that isn't Insteon yet.

3. Replacing a KPL dimmer with a SwitchLink dimmer.

4. Moving the scenes from the KPL above to a new on/off KPL in another location.

5. Moving the KPL removed in #3 to another part of the house with new scenes.


What is the best way to accomplish these adds/moves? Simply delete the scenes and start over, or is there an easy way to do this in ISY?





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If the ToggleLincs and SwitchLincs are the same type (dimmer versus relay) the Replace xxxx with …

Function can be used. Add the SwitchLincs to ISY, any “Name†will do as the Name will be deleted later. Right click on the ToggleLinc node and select Replace ‘togglelinc name’ with ….. which will display a list of functionally similar devices. Select the SwitchLinc that replaced the ToggleLinc. ISY will rewrite all the necessary Scene links with the new SwitchLinc Insteon address, delete the ToggleLinc node, and assign the ToggleLinc Name to the SwitchLinc.


When adding the ToggleLincs back to the ISY when installed in their new location be sure to use the Remove Existing Links option. I prefer to do a factory reset along with using the Remove Existing Links option which insures the device link database is clear of any old links.


A KeypadLinc cannot be replaced with a SwitchLinc using the “Replace xxxxx with …†function because of the discrepancy in the number of nodes. Assuming the KeypadLinc will serve a different purpose in its new location it should be Removed from all the Scenes it is assigned to. It the KeypadLinc buttons will do the same things in the new location, just physically moved to a different location, then nothing but the physical move has to happen.


A KeypadLinc Dimmer cannot be “replaced†with a KeypadLinc Relay because of potential issues with Scene responder On Levels that would be valid for a Dimmer but not valid for a Relay. The KeypadLinc Dimmer should be Removed from all the Scenes it is assigned to.


If all of this is too difficult to follow, Remove the devices from all the Scenes before doing anything. If you just Delete a device and then add it back it can come back into the existing Scenes. By Removing the device from all the Scenes the device is getting a fresh start.

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