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Direct Control Vs. Scene Control

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I've searched the forums here but haven't yet found something that answers my question so i thought I would post a topic. I've got a new Insteon set up with about 14 devices— mix of dual band 2477D and 2476S dimmer and switchlincs, one LampLinc dual band, and an access point— being controlled by and ISY-99i and a Dual Band PLM.


Everything is working pretty well except for one Sitchlinc which responds perfectly to direct commands from the ISY but doesn't respond to Scene commands. The ISY will show the switch as turned on in the scene but it won't actually turn on or off. If I select the device and turn it on or off individually it will then respond correctly. I've built a new scene and restored the switch and tried a couple of other things but nothing seems to work. Any ideas on how I should begin to troubleshoot this problem?


Thanks— Scott

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Right click on the Scene name, select Diagnostics | Scene Test. What are the results?


If Scene Test works the link records in the PLM and SwitchLinc are okay. If the Scene Test fails there are a few possibilities.


Some of the latest SwitchLincs are I2CS devices which require one of the 3.2.x beta images that have I2CS support. How long ago was the SwitchLinc purchased, is it a Relay or a Dimmer, and what ISY level is currently being used?

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Thanks for the response. I ran the diagnostic and the scene test fails for the light in question but is successful for the other 3 lights in the scene.


The switch in question is a 2466S ToggleLinc Relay v.41 that was purchased about 2 weeks ago. My ISY "About" info shows the following:


Firmware/UI: Insteon_UD99 v.3.1.17 (2012-01-19-20:12:56)

Product: ISY 99i/IR (1030)

PLM Status/Info: xx.xx.xx v.99


If I compare the device links table and the ISY links table there are four "record mismatch" errors in the device links table, about 20 "extra record", and one "ignore", and only four records in the ISY links table. This is a brand new switch that had never been programmed or used in other scenes.



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The ToggleLinc Relay is an I2CS device (expansion of Insteon message protocol). Install 3.2.3 beta, being sure to clear the Java cache after upgrade and use the URL for the 3.2.3 Admin Console. Run Help | About to confirm the Firmware line and UI line both say 3.2.3. The ToggleLinc will have to be Deleted and added back to the ISY under 3.2.3.

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Installing the Beta 3.2.4 worked. I installed the beta, removed the switch and then factory reset the switch and re-added it to the scenes and everything is working correctly now. The update also solved an issue I was having with two Switchlincs in a 3 way setup. Thanks for all the help!

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