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Another Garage Door - IO/Linc Question


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I have installed an Insteon Garage Door Kit c/w IOLinc. I am trying to set it up for the following:


When the garage door opens I want the inside garage lights to turn ON and when the garage door closes to have the lights turn OFF (following a preset delay). Currently, I do not have the need to monitor whether the garage door is open or closed on a KeypadLinc (though I may go that route later on). The ceiling lights in the garage are controlled by two SwitchLincs set up as linked 3-way switches. The two wires from the reed (the garage door sensor) have been wired into the IOLinc (Gnd and Sense).I have linked the IOLinc to the ISY99i and have two entries under My Lighting:


Garage Door Sensor-Sensor

Garage Door Sensor-Relay


I created a scene called "Scene 37 - Garage Door Sensor" and have included "Garage Door Sensor-Sensor" and both of the 3-way SwitchLincs as responders. Since I did not require the "Garage Door Sensor-Relay" I have not set it up.


For "Garage Door Sensor-Sensor" under options, I have used setting "Momentary C", as well as other settings as shown in this image:



When the garage door is closed the sensor light on the IOLinc is green.


All appears to be working well: Lights go on when garage door opens and turn off when closed. The only problem is I can't seem to cause a delay in the lights turning off when the garage door closes (I would like to have the lights turn off after 5 minutes). When ever I attempt to change the Momentary Time, I get the following error:



Note I know what is causing the RemoteLinc error, so I'm not concerned with that error (unless of course, it is causing the first error!).

My questions are:

1) Have I set everything up correctly?

2) Is there another way to get the lights to stay on after the door closes?

3) Why do I get the error message?


Any ideas?

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Remove the devices from Scene 37 and delete the Scene. The SwitchLincs cannot be linked to the I/O Linc Sensor and create a delayed Off.


Also I strongly recommend using the other magnetic switch wire combination and turn Off Trigger Reverse. Trigger reverse only reverses the commands issued; it does not reverse the actual state of the Sensor. If a Query is done the Sensor will change state as a Query returns the true state of the Sensor, not the command reversed indications from Trigger Reverse.


Then define an ISY Program that triggers from a Sensor On with the Then clause turning On both SwitchLincs. After the desired Wait the SwitchLincs are turned Off.


       Status  'IOLinc-Sensor' is On

       Set 'SwitchLinc Dimmer1' On
       Set 'SwitchLinc Dimmer2' On
       Wait  10 minutes 
       Set 'SwitchLinc Dimmer1' Off
       Set 'SwitchLinc Dimmer2' Off

       Wait  10 minutes 
       Set 'SwitchLinc Dimmer1' Off
       Set 'SwitchLinc Dimmer2' Off


The Scene that linked to two SwitchLincs can be used instead of turning each SwitchLinc On/Off individually.


The RemoteLinc is a battery device. It must be put into linking mode by pressing Dim/Bright buttons until RemoteLinc LED blinks. Right click the RemoteLinc node and select Write Updates to Device.

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I created a scene called "Scene 37 - Garage Door Sensor" and have included "Garage Door Sensor-Sensor" and both of the 3-way SwitchLincs as responders.


To add to LeeG's post, sensors can only be controllers. They cannot be responders.


Unlike LeeG, I fail to see the harm in maintaining a scene with the two switches as responders (just remove the sensor). However, since they are already "linked", then there is no need to create a second scene. You did "link" them by creating an ISY scene with both as controllers, correct?


Is there another way to get the lights to stay on after the door closes?

The momentary time defines how long the relay is activated, not a delay. To program a delay after the door closes, use an ISY program such as:


Status  'IOLinc-Sensor' is On

set "link scene" on

wait 5 minutes
set "link scene" off

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LeeG and oberkc, thank you very much for your posts. I will try the suggestions out tonight.


One thing I should point out, however, is an error in something that I wrote in my original post. I had written"...and have included "Garage Door Sensor-Sensor" and both of the 3-way SwitchLincs as responders". The grammar used conveyed that "Garage Door Sensor-Sensor and both the 3-way SwitchLincs were responders. What I meant was the "Garage Door Sensor-Sensor" and both of the 3-way SwitchLincs were in the same Scene, however, only the 3-way SwitchLincs are actually responders. When I read oberkc 's post I realized I didn't state the situation correctly.

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No problem and no confusion. The Sensor is a Controller only node. It cannot be added to a Scene as a Responder. The issue with the Scene is that the Sensor turning On sends a command to the SwitchLincs to turn On. When the Sensor turns Off it sends a command to the SwitchLincs to turn Off. No means of suppressing the Off action, thus no way to implement a controlled delay when the Sensor is the controller.

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Thanks LeeG.


When working on your suggestion "...I strongly recommend using the other magnetic switch wire combination and turn Off Trigger Reverse", I was wondering which magnetic switch wire combination would be used? Momentary A? Momentary B? The way the installation guide reads for this setup, it appeared to me to be Momentary C.

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The Smarthome Garage Kit comes with a magnetic switch that has both a Normally Open (NO) and Normally Close (NC) magnetic switch built in. Use the Red/Black wire combination which will have the Sensor (and Green LED) On when the garage door is open, Off when the door is closed. Be sure to turn Off the Set Options "Trigger Reverse" (uncheck). This avoids the conflict with Query and provides a simple means of using a KeypadLinc button to reflect garage door Open/Closed status later on.


Which Momentary Mode, A, B or C, does not matter unless/until the door movement is controlled from another controller such as a KeypadLinc button. Momentary C is fine.


How is the door being commanded to move? Are commands being sent to the I/O Linc Relay and if so from what source?

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When working on your suggestion "...I strongly recommend using the other magnetic switch wire combination and turn Off Trigger Reverse", I was wondering which magnetic switch wire combination would be used? Momentary A? Momentary B? The way the installation guide reads for this setup, it appeared to me to be Momentary C.


I found the manual to be a little confusing in this area. Regarding wire combinations, you should use the ground wire and one of the other two. One will turn the sensor on when closed, the other will turn the sensor on when open (NC, NO). So long that you understand what is happening, you can program the IOLinc and ISY to work properly.


Mine is wired in such a way that the IOLinc is "on" (LED lit) when the garage door is open. I include the sensor in a scene with a keypad button which results in the keypad button being on when the door is open. Given this, opening the door transmits an "on" signal, closing the door transmits an "off" signal. If one prefers to set it up such that closing the door sends an "on" command and opening sends an "on", reverse the wires (or change the location of the IOLinc).


I found the garage kit to be a relatively complicated insteon setup, with relay wiring and location affecting IOLinc configuration, scenes, programs, etc. There is no single right way to set this up, and all have to work in harmony. This is a case where understanding the how's and why's and what's-going-ons really helps.

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  • 4 weeks later...

LeeG and oberkc, thank you for all your posts :D They helped me to get my garage kit / IOLinc setup working...finally!!!


To update: As it turns out, part of my problem was the kit I purchased (c/w magnetic contact and IOLinc) was NOT entirely the way the instructions showed it should be. By that I mean there were only two wires (both white) attached to the reed switch. I purchased a new contact kit (NC and NO capable) which had three wires (green, red and black). I attached the black and red wires per LeeG's instructions and lo and behold, the IOLinc green light was "On" when the door was open and "Off" when it was closed.


I then created a program following oberkc's and LeeG's posts. I then adjusted the IOLinc options. For some reason "Momentary C" would not make the garage ceiling lights go on or off as required. However, when I changed the setting to "Momentary B" everything worked according to plan.


oberkc, I agree with you that the instructions are complicated and the manual is confusing. And to answer some questions: 1) The two garage SWL's were linked as a 3-way with a scene created for the 3-way; 2) The source for opening the garage door is either the Chamberlain wall mounted control switches or the remote in my CUV. One day I may also include a button on a KPL for operating the garage door, but for now I'm satisfied with how the system works.


After all is said and done, this project is now complete and TWF (The Wife Factor) is two thumbs up. Thanks again oberkc and LeeG for all of your help.

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