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Admin Console not showing device status changes

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I noticed some dry foliage and checked my system today. Programs show having run for irrigation, but my admin console is not reporting device or scene status.


I did update to 3.2.6 yesterday.

PLM info reports v92

I can turn modules on and off via the admin console, but the change is not shown on the Admin Console Devices table or the status screen for the device.

I have power cycled the PLM, and the ISY99i. My router was rebooted 5 hours ago.

I reconnected the cable between the PLM and the ISY

I'm at a loss here.

any help appreciated.

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When all devices fail to show status changes either some new device/appliance has been installed which is interfering with Insteon communication to the ISY PLM or the PLM link database was reset during the upgrade process. If no new devices such as a cell phone charger or a laptop is plugged in where it normally is not do a File | Restore Modem (PLM). This will rebuild the PLM link database.


Could also be Avast or Kaspersky is blocking data being pushed from the ISY to the Admin Console which would have nothing to do with the firmware update.

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Thanks for rapid reply.


Well it all seems working now. I was also unable to get Mobilinc to talk to the ISY. This may have been a wifi issue. I restarted my Android phone, power cycled the wifi access point, restarted the browser and re-entered the admin console. the first thing I got was a "can't communicate with Remote Linc 2" or something. I had been trying to get the RemoteLinc2 to work in my office but the EM noise is likely going to require me to add a Smartlinc RF Access point nearby. I now have Mobilinc working over wifi from my phone (Droid Bionic) and scene controls, status etc all are working.


I think it was that something hung communications and it was nothing to do with the 3.2.6 upgrade. I wonder if the Remotelinc2 looses com, would that create an excess communication demand that could lead to trouble? Anyway off to buy the access point since I want to use some of the new motion detectors at one end of the house.


Sounds like a File | Restore Modem (PLM) is not destructive. Note I did not have the devices disappearing problem, I had status not changing and essentially no communication at all in the admin console FROM the ISY. However, the ISY was seeing what I typed in and for example a rename of a device that I could not see, did show up after everything began working again. The PLM got warm this afternoon (hot day) and a transformer was plugged in right next to it. I have moved the PLM to be all by itself in case this was a heat issue too.


What should I do in the future in the situation of the ISY not get info TO the admin console, but commands from the admin console working?


cheers and thanks again!



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What kind of error message was received?


If the recommended backup was taken before the new image was loaded the backup can be restored to bring back the configuration information in the ISY itself. This does not restore information in the PLM. I have not seen a similar post regarding 3.2.6. Perhaps some analysis of the specific problem is in order before taking other restore actions.

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