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FanLinc Problems

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I have 4 Fanlinc devices installed. All 4 were installed, set up as new devices in ISY-99i and working.


One Fanlinc was installed in the Media Room a couple of weeks ago and the Fan is not connected to a switch but we are controlling it using a Keypad Linc in the same room.


The other 3 Fanlincs were installed as follows:


Master Bedroom Fan w/separate switch for Fan (Keypad Linc)/Light (Switchlinc 2477D)

Family Room Fan w/separate switch for Fan (Keypad Linc)/Light (Switchlinc 2477D)

Guest Room Fan w/single switch for Fan/Light (Keypad Linc)


All of these fans were added to ISY 99i as devices and were working. The first fan to stop communicating with ISY 99i was the Guest Bedroom fan. That happened just a few hours after everything was installed. Then two days later, the Master Bedroom and Family Room fans also stopped communicating in the ISY 99i.


The error message "Cannot communicate with Master Bedroom Fan-Light (14.AA.F1) Please check connection." shows up when ISY 99i admin is opened. However, the Switchlinc 2477D is still able to control the light. The Master Bedroom Fan-Motor does not respond to any commands and shows up as invalid in ISY 99i.


This same issue is happening for the Master bedroom Fan, Guest Room Fan, and Family Room Fan. The Media Room fan not directly connected to a switch still works.


Please help. What could cause ISY 99i to lose communication to all of these fans.

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Please expand on how these "switches" are controlling the FanLinc. The FanLinc must receive unswitched 120V power at all times. None of the Red load wires on the switches or KeypadLincs can be connected to the FanLinc in any way.

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I did not install these myself, but I do know that the switch connected to the light on the fan will turn the fan light on and off. Also, the keypadlinc switch On/Off buttons will turn the fan on and off. So I suspect that the 3 fanlinc devices that are no longer working were not installed correctly since the fan and light can be controlled from the switches. If I understand this correctly, the fanlinc should NOT have been installed so that is was directly connected to either switch.


All my switches are dual band and I have access poins on both legs of the electrical system. The PLM is not plugged into or next to a surge supressor.

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Intermittent operation, in my mind, is the result of intermittent communication between devices or wiring issues (barring device failure). All insteon devices require unswitched power. Communication can be interrupted by some electronics.


If you are confident in the acees point placement, and that the devices are properly wired, then it seems to me that this leaves communication problems. Finding these can be tedious in my experience...lots of trial and error.


i would look for things like power supplies, cfl, electronic devices...

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The fanlinc devices are not wired correctly. They will need to be re-installed so that they are not connected to the switch. If I turn the switch on that the fanlinc is wired to, then the ISY-99i can communicate with the fanlinc. If the switch is off, then it can't. I don't think the electrician understood this and after reading the instructions, it does not explicity state that the fan should not be connected to the switch. It just says this is a hidden device. It would be nice if they would actually include some information in the installation warning that the fan should not be connected to a switch. Normally, a fan is connected to one or two switches. The installation just has instructions for adding the fanlinc to the fan but makes no mention that the fan should not be connected to a swtich.

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That is what it sounded like from the initial post. The solution should be simple. The SwitchLinc Red Load wire that is currently providing "switched†power to the FanLinc itself should be disconnected and capped. The wire that was removed from the Red load wire is connected to unswitched 120V power, the same line that is providing unswitched power to the SwitchLinc itself.


The SwitchLinc would normally be linked to the FanLinc Light node and a set of KeypadLinc Secondary buttons linked to the FanLinc Fan/Motor node at different responder On Levels for the different speeds and Off.


A series of ISY Programs could be written to respond to sequential SwitchLinc On paddle presses to cycle through the Fan speeds if the SwitchLinc is logically controlling the Fan speed.

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