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i am new ISY-99i user...trying to create scenes...working with switchlinc dimmers and switchlinc relays.....when completed scene with combination of switches and dimmers: dimmers work ..switches not responding....any idea? :(


What ISY release is being used?


Expanding on the Scene definition may help. How are the SwitchLincs defined to the Scene, Controller, Responder, the actual definition. Are the SwitchLincs controlling each other, does this work? Is it that turning the Scene On/Off through the Admin Console does not work.


Is this new Insteon install? What is coupling the phases? Have they passed the 4 tap Set button test to confirm they are on opposite phases and in RF range of each other?


Really need much more detail all around.


yes..this is new insteon install...i am using ISY994i INSTEON Compatible Automation Controller with Dual-Band PLM ....i have 26 light switches and dimmers....none of them controling each other....using 2 wireless phase couplers to connect opposite phases....yes , it passed connecting test....all switches work fine if i try to turn them on/off ....dimm...thru admin console...also work fine as part of program. But when tried to build a scene, i noticed dimmers responding to scene commands.....switches - not. So....switches work fine outside scenes, but not when they part of the scene....and all switches defined as Responders. My scene is pretty simple: 2 dimmers connected to lights and 2 relay switches connected to flurecent lights. any ideas? :(


What ISY firmware is being used?


Will the SwitchLinc Relay devices turn On and not turn Off?


Try running a Scene Test. Does Scene Test produce failures?


i do not understand your question about firmware....and if i run a scene test thru admin console: dimmers will turn on....switch links will not . On the scene screen : it will show next to switch links "on"( in red color )....but in reality they not "on".


With the Admin Console, click Help | About. What is listed for the ISY firmware being used. There are two lines, Firmware and UI. They will say something like 3.1.17 or 3.2.6. What is displayed for Firmware and UI


ic....i am actually at work right now.....but now i understand what you mean about firmware.....something i noticed, when last time i was loged in in admin console: right at the top it says:" new firmware 3.2.6. now available".....based on this i assume most likely i have the other version...does this help?...if not i would need to get back to you in couple hours.... :(


i miss understood you....i was clicking "on" and "off" botton on the bttom of that paticular scene screen.....sorry i am new at this... :roll:




That means you are not at 3.2.6 and that is the problem with the SwitchLinc Relays not working. These are I2CS devices (enhanced Insteon message protocol) which requires 3.2.6. Update to 3.2.6, being sure to clear the Java cache after the install. Detailed install instructions are contained in the 3.2.6 Availability post




Delete the SwitchLinc Relays and add them back to the ISY under 3.2.6.

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