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I have been having problems with a 4 year PL. I ordered a new one (2413S V1.7) but am having problems getting it to work. I have tried swaping then rebooting ISY... unpluging ISY, then swaping PLM'S then plugging in , restore modem, but still not able to get the new PLM to work..



How can I get the new PLM to work????


I'm on 3.2.4 (ISY 99i 1024)



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The sequence is to remove all power from ISY and PLM.


Connect new PLM. The 2413 requires an external power supply for the ISY.


Power up PLM and ISY.


Issue File | Restore Modem (PLM). This could/will take a far amount of time as every link record with a reference to the PLM has to have the Insteon address changed to match the new PLM.

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The length of time depends on how many devices, how many Scenes. Every link record in every Insteon device that contains a reference to the old PLM has to have the address changed to the new PLM address. For all but the newest I2CS devices link database memory is changed one byte at a time. It takes a minimum of two command executions for each byte of memory changed.


There is nothing the ISY does to X10 devices. Replacing the PLM would have no affect on X10 devices. Perhaps something has changed on the powerline that is affecting X10 signal strength. What aspect of X10 is not working. RF such as a key fob for X10 commands not reaching the PLM to not reaching the X10 device from the PLM, ….

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None of the X10 devices will turn on or off. Are the newer PLM's more sensitive to line noise? Could it be a defective PLM? or network cable? I never had X10 issues on my old PLM (used 4+ years) until recently. Then I noticed when logging into the ISY it was having issues (safe mode - plm not found) I would unplug the PLM and plug it back in and it worked for a few days... Then I purchased the new PLM.


Could it be the cable?

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I don't think it is a cable problem. Problems communicating with the PLM in general but not related to X10 powerline traffic. I have so little X10 left and it was always unreliable. That is why I moved to Insteon years ago. Are any of the X10 devices pluggable where they could be moved to the same plug point at the PLM. That would show if the PLM to X10 is functional.

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It's got to be a defective PLM, I'm going to contact Smarthome.

My house is only 1000 Square, I've never had any X10 signal issues.

I pulled out my Old Smarthome ControLinc Maxi (that sends X10 signal) Plugged into the same outlet as the PLM and every X10 device will turn on and off. (None will work with the new PLM)


Btw I'm working on the Insteon transition. (Some of us are slower than others !)

Have about 6 Insteon devices and 14 X-10 devices. I just haven't been in a hurry because I have never had X10 transmission issues.

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Since almost all X10 devices are receive only and Insteon modules are two way.

Sometimes the more Insteon devices you add the less reliable the X10 devices are and more reliable the Insteon gets. Reason is the transmitter circuit loads the signal down somewhat and Insteon modules only resend Insteon messages to each other.


It could be possible that the X10 commands properly. I have never seen a new 2413S have the problem but do have an older 2412S that flaked out on X10.

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I pulled up the event viewer and it was not showing the X10 commands being sent by a different X10 controller.



But I did receive an exchange/new PLM (2nd plm) and all my X-10 devices are working now (and appear in event viewer when sent by other devices)


Looks like I had a bad PLM. (It was 2413S V1.7 - 1222)


Thanks for your time.

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