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How to turn on/off Insteon lights writing a rule


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I wrote a rule using the ElkRP software attempting to turn two Insteon Lights on/off when a GE security Motion sensor is violated. The lights do turn on when I walk in the room where the GE Motion sensor is but I cannot get them to turn off after the Motion Sensor goes back to a normal state eg: no one in the room.


Here is the rule I wrote:


whenever GreatroomMotion zone 27 becomes not secure

Then turn greatrmlights on (24)(B8)On, fade rate = 0

Then turn GreatRoomBar on (25)(B9) to 50% Bright, fade rate = 0


I did not add anything to my rule thinking that when the GE Motion sensor would return to normal state, it is no longer not secure so the lights would turn off.


Thanks in advance for your help.


Jim Blackston

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