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Restore of EZX10RF Not Working


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Hi -


I recently had to restore my devices (with the fantastic help of Universal Devices support). However I cannot restore my EZRFX10. I keep getting the message found at 2012-10-26_19-30-25.png that says the ISY is preparing the device and that it's ready for restore. But it does not restore the device.


The device also shows that it's waiting for writes to the device. I tried to write the changes (several times). I tried to restore it several times. Then I reset the device to factory settings and retried the restore (and even the write). I could not restore it not matter when and how I tried to restore it.


Why am I unable to restore it?



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The posted event viewer image shows no Insteon commands sent to the EZX10RF. Gives the impression the ISY is not aware of X10 codes defined in the EZX10RF.


How many EZX10RF nodes exist?


Was the X10 code(s) defined using the "Add X10 Device to EZX10RF" function?


What level ISY is being used?

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Lee... Thanks for responding. Sorry I didn't respond more quickly...had other commitments.


In answer to your questions:


  • 1. I had 13 EZX10RF nodes defined.
    2. The X10 codes were defined using the "Add x10 Device to EZX10RF" function.
    3. ISY 3.3.3 is being used. The reason I was restoring the EZX10RF is that I had problems with the ISY server (steady power and Rx). Between ISY support and me, my ISY was restored except for the EZX10RF.


I get the message found in this link when I start my admin console: http://www.screencast.com/t/H6d9ROlsyM.


I assume that the ISY backup should contain the EZX10RF information and so I should be able to restore it. Is that a good assumption?


Thanks for your help.



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I don't think the ISY has the actual X10 specific information as it was not used to establish the actual X10 information. The X10 codes were received by the EZX10RF itself, stored in its internal memory and then the ISY established the link records to support the new node.


The previous Event Viewer trace, although shown as being at Level 3, has no Insteon commands issued so I do not know what the communication error the ISY is presenting. That will have to be addressed by UDI as based on the event viewer no commands were sent to the EZX10RF.


It may be irrelevant at this point if the EZX10RF was reset. That would have wiped out the X10 information which I don’t think the ISY can put back.

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I don't think the ISY has the actual X10 specific information as it was not used to establish the actual X10 information. The X10 codes were received by the EZX10RF itself, stored in its internal memory and then the ISY established the link records to support the new node.


The previous Event Viewer trace, although shown as being at Level 3, has no Insteon commands issued so I do not know what the communication error the ISY is presenting. That will have to be addressed by UDI as based on the event viewer no commands were sent to the EZX10RF.


It may be irrelevant at this point if the EZX10RF was reset. That would have wiped out the X10 information which I don’t think the ISY can put back.



Lee - Can I use the Simplehomenet Untilty Suite v2.02a to restore my links to X10 motion sensors and remotes rather than re-linking them manually via my ISY99i?

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I updated the EZX10RF using the utility (attached image). The Links table for the Device and for the ISY were both blank and when I do a compare, nothing displays in either link dialog box. I gather that I will need to manually re-link all devices...correct?


This leads me to a question about the usefulness of the EZX10RF... What does it do other than give the X10 devices an alias (an English name)? If I cannot restore from the backups using the X10 codes via programs seems to require less work if I have to restore again in the future. Can you help with this question?





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There are 12 nodes for the EZX10RF currently in the My Lighting tree and the Show ISY Links Table is blank?


The EZX10RF receives X10 RF messages, converting them to Insteon powerline messages. These Insteon messages can be used to control other devices directly by linking an EZX10RF X10 node as Controller of an ISY Scene with no ISY Program intervention. Of course the Insteon message can trigger an ISY Program. If you have an X10 RF receiver other than the EZX10RF the X10 codes on the powerline can be used to trigger ISY Programs. X10 powerline messages cannot be used to directly control an Insteon/ISY Scene.


My experience with X10 and Insteon has shown Insteon messaging to be far superior to X10.


The ISY can be used to restore the EZX10RF link database. Your situation of having nodes defined with a blank Show ISY Links Table is an issue of unknown cause at the moment. It would be nice if the ISY could restore the X10 code information. There are many things on the ISY requirements list that have not been implemented to date so you can request that function be added.


If there are EZX10RF nodes in the My Lighting tree now with nothing in the ISY Links Table information those nodes should be deleted before defining the X10 codes. Otherwise the Scene/Group numbers the EZX10RF uses for each new X10 code could be out of sync the link records that are built.


You mentioned that UDI tech support helped rebuild the other devices. What happened the required that effort. Perhaps that information would help explain how you have EZX10RF X10 nodes without link information.

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Thanks Lee.


I forgot about using the X10 nodes in scenes. I've been in the habit of using them in programs.


I worked with support to solve an issue I had with a steady power/Rx light situation. I replaced the old 2413 PLM with a new 2413 PLM but still had the steady lights. When I tried to restore, I would eventually revert back to the steady power/Rx lights even with the new PLM. I would also get Java timeout errors then. During the remote session with support the same situation occurred several times but eventually support got the PLM restored. After graciously working for quite a while on it and working with me to restore a couple motion sensor and remote, I told them I could finish the remainder of the remote devices myself. However I had forgotten that we had not restored and/or written records to the EZX10RF. I tried it myself a few times without success. During that time I did a factory reset on the device thinking I could just restore it from backups. That's what prompted this thread. During the session with UD support I asked what the problem with the ISY was but they didn't know. However I know they forwarded the level 3 event information up the chain at UD. The support person and I both hoped we will get an answer about why the steady Power/Rx light situation happened multiple times. I think the support person suspected that there was a lot of traffic from my Venstar T1800 furnace control Insteon device but he wasn't sure. This is probably more than you wanted to know...sorry.


Back to the EZX10RF --- I'll remove the EZX10RF from the ISY and re-add it and re-add the X10 device links. Thanks for reminding me about the benefits of using the EZX10RF. I'd like to retire the X10 devices and wish I could afford more of the Insteon remotes...


Thanks for your help.



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There is a known problem at 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 adding non-I2CS SHN devices. Will be resolved in 3.3.4 but have not seen a target date for that Beta.


I was able to add the EZX10RF using Link Management | Add X10 Device to EZX10RF. I was running tests to double check that the ISY had no X10 code information. It does not. However, in running that test I Deleted the EZX10RF with the v.1C firmware and added it back successfully using Add X10 Device to EZX10RF function.

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I still cannot add the EZX10RF to the ISY.


Before I saw your reply lee, I found another link that suggested putting the EZX10RF and PLM on the same plug. I did that by putting them on the same extension cord. That didn't help. I noticed that during the attempt to add the EZX10RF, ISY said it couldn't support i2 and was reverting to i1.


Then I tried to use idea of using Link Management | Add X10 Device to EZX10RF. That also does not work. I get the attached messages in the dialog boxes.


Guess I'm going to have to wait for 3.3.4... :(





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Looks that way. The only way that would have worked here is if a missed Deleting the Primary EZX10RF node. The ISY determines the link database size/location only for the first node. That EZX10RF was added to the ISY more than a year ago. If I missed the first node the ISY would already know the size/location of the link database.


I will repeat the test hear making sure I Delete all the nodes. I thought it strange that the Add X10 Device to EZX10RF worked because I thought it was the same path as New INSTEON Device. I'll post back the results of my next test.


The only option would be to go back to 3.2.6 and add the EZX10RF back there. The problem with that option is the ISY configuration data was changed at 3.3.3 making it incompatible at 3.2.6. I would be necessary to restore a 3.2.6 backup to use the 3.2.6 firmware.

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