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turning on for 10-mins are preset times


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I have a hot-water recirculating pump that I want to run at certains times for 10-mins at a time. I.e. at 7am, 8am, 9am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 4pm, 5pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm, 10pm and 11pm. I have this script:


IF {

time is "7:00 AM"

OR time is "8:00 AM"

OR time is "9:00 AM"

OR time is "11:00 AM"

OR time is "12:00 PM"

OR time is "1:00 PM"

OR time is "4:00 PM"

OR time is "5:00 PM"

OR time is "7:00 PM"

OR time is "8:00 PM"

OR time is "9:00 PM"

OR time is "10:00 PM"

OR time is "11:00 PM"


AND Status 'Hot water Pump' is Off


Set 'How Water Pump' On

Wait 10 minutes

Set 'How Water Pump' Off


- No Actions - ( To add one, press 'Action')



However, I have plug in a night-light on it and it appears to be always on. What am I doing wrong. If I manually turn it off, it will turn on at 8:00AM but will not turn off again.




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You've run afoul of what I call the "A status check requires two programs" rule. Generally you can't check the status of a switch/device and then power it on or off in the same program because your change of the switch/device in the Then portion of the program immediately changes and affects the status of that switch/device in the conditions.


You must split your program into two separate programs. One program checks the time and status conditions and the second program executes the Then action.


Like this:


"Program 1"


IF {

time is "7:00 AM"

OR time is "8:00 AM"

OR time is "9:00 AM"

OR time is "11:00 AM"

OR time is "12:00 PM"

OR time is "1:00 PM"

OR time is "4:00 PM"

OR time is "5:00 PM"

OR time is "7:00 PM"

OR time is "8:00 PM"

OR time is "9:00 PM"

OR time is "10:00 PM"

OR time is "11:00 PM"


AND Status 'Hot water Pump' is Off



Run Program 2



- No Actions - ( To add one, press 'Action')


"Program 2"


If (no conditions here)



Set 'How Water Pump' On

Wait 10 minutes

Set 'How Water Pump' Off



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I know this is the ISY forum, but I couldn't help making an alternate suggestion that isn't associated with ISY or Insteon.

We have a hot water circulation system that is controlled by an Insteon relay and run by the ISY to get things going in the morning just before I get up. It is also in a scene with the main kitchen light to turn it on whenever work is going on in the kitchen, also have a spot on a KPL in the kitchen just to control and signify the status of the circulator besides.

My point? Instead of running the circulator every 10 min. I also have a thermostat in series with the circulator that is clamped to the return hot water pipe, so the circulator pump only runs if both the Insteon relay is on AND the temp of the return water is below the set point. That way i'm not dumping cool water into the hw heater every hour even when I am not needing hot water access.


Sorry for butting in, but I am pleased with the setup and def. with the ISY.

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I've changed to using "run program". It seems to work better but still not there. As you can see it runs it at 8:00 and the turns it off a 8:10. But at 8:10 is turns it rught back on. Same action at 9:00 and 9:10. Wht's turning it back on.


Hot W. Recirc Pump (09.A4.A1. On 255 3/9/08 8:00 Scheduler Log

Hot W. Recirc Pump (09.A4.A1. Off 0 3/9/08 8:10 Scheduler Log

Hot W. Recirc Pump (09.A4.A1. Status 0% 3/9/08 8:10 System Log

Hot W. Recirc Pump (09.A4.A1. On 255 3/9/08 8:10 Scheduler Log

Hot W. Recirc Pump (09.A4.A1. Status 100% 3/9/08 8:10 System Log

Hot W. Recirc Pump (09.A4.A1. On 255 3/9/08 9:00 Scheduler Log

Hot W. Recirc Pump (09.A4.A1. Off 0 3/9/08 9:10 Scheduler Log

Hot W. Recirc Pump (09.A4.A1. Status 0% 3/9/08 9:10 System Log

Hot W. Recirc Pump (09.A4.A1. On 255 3/9/08 9:10 Scheduler Log

Hot W. Recirc Pump (09.A4.A1. Status 100% 3/9/08 9:10 System Log

Hot W. Recirc Pump (09.A4.A1. On 255 3/9/08 11:00 Scheduler Log

Hot W. Recirc Pump (09.A4.A1. Off 0 3/9/08 11:10 Scheduler Log

Hot W. Recirc Pump (09.A4.A1. Status 0% 3/9/08 11:10 System Log

Hot W. Recirc Pump (09.A4.A1. On 255 3/9/08 11:10 Scheduler Log

Hot W. Recirc Pump (09.A4.A1. Status 100% 3/9/08 11:10 System Log

Hot W. Recirc Pump (09.A4.A1. On 255 3/9/08 16:00 Scheduler Log

Hot W. Recirc Pump (09.A4.A1. Off 0 3/9/08 16:10 Scheduler Log

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That's a great idea to monitor the temp of water return. My system does not use a cold water return. It's a retrofit and it uses the same cold water pipe. It's very effective and works fine. My pump is a watts premier hot water recirculating pump and it retrofits to any home that does not already have the return cold water line.

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