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220V / 240V 30 AMP INSTEON Load Controller Issues


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I will call them.


Smarthome's home page has a learning center tab and solutions under it. Click and you will find the use of the load controllers for spa and pool pumps. This "solution" is what directed me to use the load controller. There are two articles on the use of the load controller for pool pump control. Interesting that one article suggests use of the contoller to turn the motor on/off several times during the day. I saw a post somewhere which suggested that the controller should not be used to repeatedly turn on/off.

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I viewed the reference you provided. Looks like a sales generated document not in sync with reality.


It is enough for me that it is mentioned twice in the manual for resistive loads only. A motor is not a resistive load. The larger the motor the worse things can be.

This is not to say that some people have not gotten away with controlling a motor of some size.

Smarthome put that disclaimer in there for a reason.


From the beginning of your post I have felt that the controller was not robust enough for a larger pool pump.

Coupled with what I viewed at the FCC site & lack of true specifications/ratings for the relay contacts, and your multiple failures, I would not hold out much hope for this type of control.


I know how frustrating it can be to attempt to get good information from them at a technical level.


Please do ask why the sales page advertizes its use for a pump yet a pump is not a resistive load. Why have they not updated one or the other documents to be compatible with each other?

I would ask them to refund your money for both units if they will not give a good answer, and then go with an appropriately sized contactor and appliancelinc.

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ELA - Here is the response from SH


Yes, the 2477SA1 will work with your pool motor and can handle inductive loads.


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if we can be of further assistance.




Ryan Campbell

Customer Solutions Center



In any case, I have taken your advice and will replace the load controllers with the Elk Heavy Duty Relay/Contactor. I have been worn down enough by replacing the load controllers every 60 days to now move onto another solution. Thanks a lot for your help!

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Sounds like you made a good choice. Using an ELK HD Contactor.

One thing I am not sure was mentioned. If you are using a 2456S3 ApplianceLinc rev 4.15 or higher to control the ELK Contactor. On a power loss and restoration. It defaults to Off. Even if it was On.

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I am sorry to hear that their reply was so brief but about what I would have expected from them.

I am sure that Ryan will probably get the manual changed right away to reflect his statement :lol:


In any case I would say you proved him wrong.


Good choice to move ahead and best of luck to you.

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I would think so.

The next On command from the ISY Interface would again start the pump.

All hardware versions below 4.15. Do remember their On or Off state when power was lost.


12/28/2012. Update:

Smartlabs has again changed the way an ApplianceLinc acts with a power loss and restoration.

My new HW 4.9 ApplianceLinc remembers the state it was in and goes back to that state after a power restoration. :!::roll:

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