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Program with Repeat

Mike Ippolito

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I have the following program running to cycle my fan on my HVAC units. I am trying to figure out if I have an issue with signals not reaching the thermostats or my repeat function is being knocked out by IF becoming false.


I'm having issues with the program not returning the fans to auto when 11:00pm hits if the program is in the middle of a cycle. Is this a programming issue (IF turning false during a repeat) or an issue with the communication?




From 5:30:00AM

To 11:00:00PM (same day)

Or From 1:30:00AM

To 3:30:00AM (same day)


And $kidsHere is not 0



Repeat Every 1 hour and 30 minutes

Send Notification to 'Email to Mike' content 'circ loop on'

Set Elk Thermostat 'First Floor' Fan On

Wait 3 seconds

Set Elk Thermostat 'Second Floor' Fan On

Wait 3 seconds

Set Elk Thermostat 'Third Floor' Fan On

Wait 5 minutes

Set Elk Thermostat 'First Floor' Fan Auto

Set Elk Thermostat 'Second Floor' Fan Auto

Set Elk Thermostat 'Third Floor' Fan Auto



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The Program is triggered at each From time and each To Time. Normally the If evaluates to True at the From time and False at the To time. The True/False evaluation is affected by the Variable value.


The affect of the variable on Program triggering depends on whether an Integer Variable (does not trigger Program on value change) or State Variable (does trigger Program on value change). Regardless of type of Variable the value will always affect the If evaluation as far as True/False is concerned.


Because of the Repeat and Wait statements the trigger points (From and To time and Variable value change if State Variable) will interrupt Program execution and reevaluate the IF. The Programs | Summary tab will show when the Program is executing even when waiting in the Repeat or Wait statements. Should the If turn False at any point (To time or State Variable ? value change) the Program stops execution because nothing is in the Else clause. It would not run again until another trigger point (From time or State Variable ? value change).


Because there is nothing in the Else clause the Fan may not return to Auto because the Repeat/Wait sequence is interrupted in the middle of processing which is normal. Put final state processing in the Else clause.

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