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About smokegrub

  • Birthday 04/18/1945

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Community Answers

  1. Geddy, forgive me for not replying until now. I agree with you that I most likely have a profile issue with Alexa, and I don't know how to resolve it. What would happen if deleted the Alexa app from my Mac and downloaded a new one? Would that new app reload correctly from the portal/ or should I invest in a call to Alexa? Or, finally, should I submit a ticket even though I have two ISYs using the rationale that the Portal has failed.
  2. Yes, and everytging else I have found. Ever since I first set up an account with two ISYs and profiles I have had problems. So bad that I have avoided accessing the Wolf Creek profile anjd it worked well until I added two new KPLs. I have become convinced that I need to set up separate accounts for each ISY. Now, I just have to figure out how to do that. : (
  3. When I try to use a spoken at Wolf Creek I get the message “Skill is not enabled”. I enabled the skill: “Isy optimized for smart home V3”. I am told the account is not linked. When I try to link the account, I am told the account is linked. I have a fundamental problem somewhere in account linking. Is the answer to create sub accounts, one for each ISY?
  4. Years ago I set up two Alexa accounts, Wolf Creek and Chesapeake. Switching between accounts caused such problems that Universal Devices had to remote in to get things working. Both accounts worked perfectly until, years later, a KPL failed at Wolf Creek. I replaced that KPL and added another. Set up was challenging for this old man but both are now working. However, Alexa spokens are no longer working at Wolf Creek. I have checked the Portal and all appears correct. Also, I can control Wolf Creek devices using the Launcher. I am getting this message from Alexa when I use a spoken—Alexa skill is not enabled. I have disabled the skill and re-enabled it and got the same message. Wolf Creek spokens still do not work and I get the same message. It appears I may need to Forget and Discover devices, but I do not want to mess up Chesapeake in the process! Can I do that by selecting Wolf Creek as my preferred ISY in the Portal? I have spent many, many hours on this so I desperately need help. IOS 17.6.1 IOS Optimized for Smart Home V3
  5. Thanks for the help but problem persists. When I use the Portal to prepare the spokens all seems to go well. But, when I use a spoken I get an audible message from Alexa that the spoken is not in that user profile. So, it is obvious there is something wrong in the linkage between the Portal and Aleza. It looks to me like I am going to have to submit a ticket.
  6. I would really appreciate help with this. I don't know where e3lse to turn.
  7. I have two profiles in my Portal for separate ISYs , Chesapeake and Wolf Creek. I recently installed two new six button KPLs at Wolf Creek. These are working as they are supposed to. All the older devices and KPLs at Wolf Creek respond to spokens in my echo devices. However, spokens will not work for the new KPLs. I have set them up in the Portal using the Wolf Creek profile but when I try using them I get the message, “I couldn’t find a device or group in these profiles”. So, it appears there is a defect in how I tried to set them up in the Portal. Any help will be appreciated. MacBook Pro, Sonoma 14.5 ISY 994i Pro All Insteon devices
  8. Pardon me, the device disappeared after I rebooted. Go figure!
  9. When I try to do anything with this device, including deleting it, I get the message "Subscriber connect failure" How do I remove this device from my ISY 994. Never encountered anything like this before.
  10. I continue having trouble with a factory reset. Any tips?
  11. Macbook Pro 2.6 Ghz 6-Core, 16 GB Memory, Sonoma 14.4.3 loX Launcher : 4.9.0 Firmware: 4.9.0 Macbook Pro 2.6 Ghz 6-Core, 16 GB Memory, Sonoma 14.4.3 loX Launcher : 4.9.0 Firmware: 4.9.0 UI: 4.9.0 Device: OutLetLinc 2473SWH Problem: Using the upper (controlled outlet) to control the On/Off status of a connected lamp. Alexa, which has worked successfully for several holiday seasons to control a Christmas tree no longer works. When I access the device in the Admin Console it give me the green icon. When I try to “write updates” after a couple of minutes I get the red apostrophe. Nevertheless the lamp can be controlled at the OutletLinc device level in the Admin Console level using the On/Off buttons. The device can also be controlled using a KPL button. I use the address of the top outlet (2C.18.77) to control its status. Weird! Looks to me like I need to try factory resetting the OutletLinc but I cannot find instructions as to how t do so. There is a button in its center which I held until it flashed. The flashing status never changed until I single-tapped the button and turned it off. I am at a loss. UI: 4.9.0 Device: OutletLinc 2473SWH Problem: Using the upper (controlled outlet) to control the On/Off status of a connected lamp. Alexa, which has worked successfully for several holiday seasons to control a Christmas tree no longer works. When I access the device in the Admin Console it give me the green icon. When I try to “write updates” after a couple of minutes I get the red apostrophe. Nevertheless the lamp can be controlled at the OutletLinc device level in the Admin Console level using the On/Off buttons. The device can also be controlled using a KPL button. I use the address of the top outlet (2C.18.77) to control its status. Weird! Looks to me like I need to try factory resetting the OutletLinc but I cannot find instructions as to how t do so. There is a button in its center which I held until it flashed. The flashing status never changed until I single-tapped the button and turned it off. I am at a loss. Any help will be appreciated.
  12. Thank you sir. It has been year4s since I have set one of these up. I tried linking using the insteon address. I have not tried the setup button. Would you tell me where that is located? Is is accessible w/o removing the device from its installed location? If that doesn't work I will travel in May to a location where I have couple of spares. I will return one to this location and use a power cord to try linking it. If it links, I will pull the one I am trying to install and replace the one that's there/ The switch that I installed obviously has power and it is replacing one that worked for years. Nest step, try the setup button. Thanks for your patience.
  13. Recently an old KPL completely disappeared form the Admin Console Repeated factory resets all failed so I purchased a new replacement KPL. Now, I cannot get the device to link. I get the message "Cannot determine Insteon Engine." Firmware and UI are noth 4.9. The ISY is a 994i. All devices are Insteon.. Everything else is working fine. Is it possibel the new KPL purchased from Insteon is the problem? Ant help will be appreciated.
  14. smokegrub

    KPL Problem

    I tried to relink the KPL twice. No soap. I got the message about insteon engine. I believe it is dead given the way one KPL button disappeared first then the device and, finally the remaining buttons. I used the link new device feature. Thanks. i have ordered a replacement.
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