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    Currently Retired: 4 yrs USAF, electrician, photographer, auto mechanic, mathematics teacher, AP Statistics reader, more

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  1. You'll probably be better off using Restore Devices for a clean-up.
  2. Absolutely, yes! The flash memory for changing the LED brightness allows 1,000,000 changes. Guessing the HEM is about the same, at 30 changes a day that'd be just over ninety-one and one quarter years. You may want to start saving for a replacement
  3. My Lighting, click on Address to sort all of your devices by Insteon ID. Tools > Diagnostics > PLM Info/Status will give you the Insteon ID of the PLM.
  4. Actually any duple product, sum or difference. Even a dividend, but not a divinity. Link? Thanks
  5. Anything even close to 915Mhz can interfere, depending on how the signal is modulated. Z-Wave uses 908.42Mhz and doesn't interfere. Some cordless phones in that range interfere, some don't. Baby monitors are especially notorious.
  6. You can use a repeat statement. If that works, lower the number or repeats, if not the raise the number. If From Sunset + 30 minutes To 10:00:00PM (same day) Then Repeat 5 times Set Scene 'Front Lighting' On Else Wait 30 minutes (Random) Repeat 5 times Set Scene 'Front Lighting' Off
  7. According to the manual for your device that I just found on-line, you can use the buttons as controllers. Did you add the device button as a controller to a scene or as a program trigger? I don't have an Z-Wave controllers to test with.
  8. Nope. The Z-Wave device can't trigger a scene nor a program. There is no way the ISY can determine the state of the device unless it's queried.
  9. Due to patent restrictions, most Z-Wave devices are one way only, that is they can receive a signal, but they do not ACK that signal (don't report their state unless queried). That's a function of the device and cannot be overcome by the ISY.
  10. Two PLMs are not the problem. Linking the same devices to both is. It's possible if you are careful about what you link and how you control each device. Duplicating all the same devices on both is bound to cause unintended results.
  11. There's no problem using muliple PLMs, but you should reset the existing PLM if it's being used for something other that what it was connected to.
  12. The Smartenit device may not use the same firmware.
  13. Mike, If you really do need a security system, then relying only on Insteon devices is not a safe solution. Insteon is meant to be a home automation system and attempting to use Insteon instead of a real security system is false security. OTOH, if you only want/need fun notifications when everything is operating correctly and power is uninterrupted and you never experience internet difficulties, then Insteon devices will suffice
  14. If you have at least one dual-band device communicating with another dual-band device in the opposite leg of the split, single-phase electric supply, then bridging has occurred. The 4-tap test, aka beacon test, can be used as an indication that you have the opposite legs coupled. Filters should be installed on an as needed basis.
  15. There' nothing inherently wrong with filtering everything except for spending $5000 when $50 accomplishes exactly the same thing, for example, if you filter everything that's plugged in, but only one plugged in device is the culprit. The powerline and RF signals do not travel in parallel, but they are concurrent. Powerline difficulties are easy to fix once they're discovered.A filter is is to install, it may not be so easy to relocate a refrigerator or move a wall. RF interference tends to vary at any one time and RF is more easily disrupted. Simply walking between devices can sometimes block RF. Also, powerline signals can travel much, much further than can RF signals. Consider RF as an assistant, except of course, for RF only devices.
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