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Everything posted by UpTet804

  1. Thank you both so much!! Double use of a Program with the OFF Network Resource in the Then and Else worked perfectly! Now I can have any color/scene combination with the Hue that I can turn on or switch between, and then can just say, "Alexa, turn off Hue in Master Bedroom." THANK YOU!!
  2. stusviews, could you please give an example of this? This sounds like the solution! So my example is I have Hue lights that I have created through ISY Portal that are Network Resources that are now embedded in Programs. So now I have these Programs: Master Bedroom Hue Bright in Bedroom (Alexa: "Alexa turn on Bright in Master Bedroom") Master Bedroom Hue Off (Alexa: "Alexa turn on Hue Off in Master Bedroom") If I say, "Alexa turn on Bright in Master Bedroom," the Hue does that exactly no problem. If I say, "Alexa turn off Bright in Master Bedroom," Alexa says "OK," but nothing happens. Then when I say, "Alexa turn on Hue Off in Master Bedroom" it acts as expected. Can you give an example of how you can use the Else Statement in the program to fix this as you suggested? Thank you in advance!!!
  3. I thought about something like "Turn on Darkness..." or "Turn on Hue Off..." but they all seemed counter-intuitive and just nonsensical. There has to be a solution!
  4. Iarryllix, I have one of the Network Resources that you helped me create earlier (THANK YOU AGAIN!), that I was able to put into a Program, and then add to ISY Portal for Alexa Integration. I have one Program which contains a Network Resource that turns the lights on bright, and then another Program which contains a Network Resource that turns the lights off. However, I'm now saying "Alexa turn on Hue OFF" Is there a way to make a Program containing a Network Resource that I could say "Off" but really trigger it on?
  5. YOU'RE THE BEST!!!! Working perfectly, THANK YOU!!!!!!!
  6. Yes, you are correct that I mis-termed, I have Network Resources for On/Off/Groups, and they're all working perfectly, it is only scenes that are malfunctioning. I followed the below instructions: With the additional below recommendation from bernieb: However, scenes are still not functioning for me. I have tried: {"scene": OVUdx2Nampq7lAD} {"on": true, "scene": OVUdx2Nampq7lAD} Neither of them will turn on the scene for the correct groupings of lights. If I change the Body to just an on/off/group function the Network Resource works fine so my connection is good. I am perplexed and can't figure out where I'm off on my Resource.
  7. larryllix, thank you so much for your reply! You were one of the other people I saw discussing this topic extremely intelligently and am truly thankful for you reaching out. I just got my ISY this week, and yesterday purchased the ISY Portal Module which included the ISY Network Resource Module. With my ISY set up, my entire Insteon network is up and running 100% without fail (KPLs included with no errors!), and it is my Hue specifically that is the issue. With the ISY Portal Module and DualBandAid's instructions, I can control any individual Hue light, any group of Hue lights, but not any specific scenes. When I turn groups on/off, they remain in the last state so if 1 light out of 7 was blue, when I turn back on it remains blue. I have programs to turn off the entire group, I have programs to turn on one light, and I have programs to turn on entire group back to last state, but for some reason my programming for scene is not working with the same parameters. Thoughts?
  8. Hello, this is my first post on the forum so if this topic has already been covered I apologize, however from my searches I could not find the answer. Firstly, DualBandAid, your instructions are fantastic and for someone who started using ISY this week, I was able to begin programming immediately and truly thank you for your efforts in preparing this. I am trying to control a Hue Scene, and followed the instructions with the correct group and can confirm that I can turn a group on to last state: {"on": true} However I cannot turn on a specific scene with (scene name replaced): {"on": true, "scene": “YOUR-SCENE-NAME”} I searched and found that bernieb posted an update that you could program with just (scene name replaced again): {"scene": “YOUR-SCENE-NAME”} However that also did not work. My ACTUAL scene name is, pCWlCSZ4yUeqVRt , and I cannot get my ISY to control said scene. Do you have any recommendations or pointers you could provide? Thank you!!!
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