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  1. landolfi's post in Program to force light sensor status update was marked as the answer   
    Just to close the loop--In a moment of sloppiness, I plugged a 3-way plug extender into the IOLinc and then plugged in a bunch of other stuff to the extender. I removed those and found the IOLinc now reports light sensor status instantaneously where before it was reporting something like 5 out of 6 times. Thanks for the powerline noise suggestion, it was confusing to troubleshoot because it almost always worked with all that junk plugged in. The moral I guess is the IOLinc is sensitive to powerline noise, and this finally explains to me the advantage of dual-band.
  2. landolfi's post in Instruction manual for Alloy Z-wave Plus repeater was marked as the answer   
    I have the manual, it was not available online last I checked and Alloy was no help whatever. I've tried to upload a scan but keep getting an error when I try to attach it to this reply, so if you can PM me an email address, I'll send it.
  3. landolfi's post in Using Network Resource to call Sonos API directly was marked as the answer   
    I think you should be using GET instead of POST. Here's a working NR that plays a clip when my mailbox motion sensor detects motion:

  4. landolfi's post in Zooz ZSE29 Motion Sensor Disappears from IoX was marked as the answer   
    I had that happen with a few Zooz devices that I migrated because they never completed the interview process even though they got added to IoX and were functioning for a short time. Try adding them again, and after doing so, check Zwave/XRay. Under the XRay, all the Command Classes for the device have a section that says InterviewDone=True/False. Make sure all of the Command Class sections have InterviewDone=True.
  5. landolfi's post in IoX Finder not finding IoP was marked as the answer   
    SOLVED: It appears the manual IP I had set on the Polisy got reset in the 5.5.9 update, because Polisy now shows DHCP and the IP address has changed, which is why IoX couldn't find it. Meanwhile, another device stole the (former) static IP. I guess I needed both a manual IP and a router reservation.
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