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  1. Awhile back as a test I temporarily added a Sengled Zigbee bulb to eISY and later decided to add it to Home Assistant instead, it is now controlled by HA. As a result of adding it to eISY, I now have two devices with a red slashed circle on eISY that I cannot delete. I've tried: 1. Right click device/Remove from Zigbee network (no error, but does not delete) 2. Right click device/Delete ("Request failed", does not delete) 3. Factory reset Zigbee dongle and repeat steps 1 and 2. Same result as above. Any suggestions on how to remove these phantom Zigbee devices? EDIT: Just upgraded to 5.8.4 firmware and the devices are gone.
  2. Thanks! I swapped it for a Zwave plug. I still have one Lamplinc working reliably, and when that goes it will likely be pure Zwave and Zigbee for me with the possible exception of my light sensor/IOLinc combination.
  3. Thanks, I tried that too. Still no luck.
  4. I have an old Lamplinc 2457D2 that may have finally bought the farm. I try to reset it by holding the set button for as long as 30 seconds, but it does not beep, only flashes green until I unplug it. It is otherwise not responding to any Insteon commands. Is there any other way to bring this back?
  5. I have a Yolink temp sensor and it does display in F with the node server. However, the label in the admin console when you view the temp sensor node says Current Temp (C).
  6. UAID and Secret are in the Yoink app under Settings/Account/Advanced Settings/User Access Credentials. That wasn't obvious to me when I first set up the node server.
  7. Within a new automation, using the Entity as a trigger, do you see your state variable as number.xxxx, where xxxx is the state variable name from ISY? You should see both "xxxx" representing Value, and "xxxx Initial Value", representing Init. If you don't see it in the list of Entities under Triggers, you may need to enable the state variable. In some cases I've had to go into the ISY integration and manually enable ISY state variable entities.
  8. I think this means if UAID is reset when password changed, but UAID and secret are the same in the app as they were before the password change, and thus matching the node server config. So it appears changing password has no efffect on node server config, which is great.
  9. Same thing here with the many "Yolink MQTT client disconnected" messages in the HA log. From what I understand, there is an update to HA coming to address this. On HA what I have noticed is all devices update status when the Yolink integration starts, but then no updates until the integration gets reloaded. On eISY, restarting the node server has no effect, it never updates the device status. I'm running PG3x 3.2.17 with IoX 5.8.0.
  10. I haven't checked the eISY in a while since I've moved largely to Home Assistant, but I noticed all my Yolink devices show as "not connected" in the AC even though YolinkSetup says "Connected". The devices do not appear to be updating. I just changed my password but the NS confirg only asks for UAID and secret and those haven't changed, so I don't think it's related to the password change. I know something changed on the Yolink side because the Home Assistant integration for Yolink is broken, could this be the same thing?
  11. I could have sworn that the devices were discovered automatically in the past even though they were idle, but they did eventually show up after each one played audio.
  12. For some reason the free Sonos server no longer works on 3.2.16. Is this a known issue? After installation, the message appears: "No speakers found. Make sure they are powered on and try Disover again." The Sonos app and Home Assistant see the speakers, just not the Sonos node server. I've tried re-installing as well as deleting and re-installing. There are no nodes.
  13. This may or may not be helpful, but I'm not sure the Minoston is a good test. I have had a ton of problems adding Minoston devices unless they are really close to the dongle, both the Zmatter and the Zooz 700 series.
  14. From the wiring diagram, it appears that it's one ratgdo per opener, right? So I need to wire one into each opener I have, or can a single device serve 2 different openers?
  15. I'll second that, @Panda88 has been very helpful with Yolink and Blink devices working with the node servers. I had a Yolink valve controller that turned out to be defective that he helped me with a great deal, and many other Yolink devices that work great. I assume the Yolink garage solution @TUhl01refers to is only to monitor status (open or closed)?
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