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  1. Oh - of course. I was just pointing it out. On the other hand, that limitation pushed me to upgrade to PRO, so maybe this feature request will stay in the heap... - Z
  2. While you're in there, I found that functionality very confusing/inefficient. For example: When a button is in "Non-Toggle [Off]", you have to click the"Toggle On/Off" button to go *back* to "Toggle", and then *back* to "Non-Toggle [On]" if that's what you want to do. IOW - it's impossible to go directly from "Non-Toggle [Off]" to "Non-Toggle [On]" or vice-versa in one step. In PRO models, that's no big deal, but Non-PRO with a large Scene it's infuriating because there are two update cycles instead of just one.
  3. If I select a KeypadLinc Click Buttons Toggle Mode Choose "All Non-Toggle" Then hit Cancel It still updates all button to Non-Toggle. The other 2 controls on that form behave as expected.
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