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Michel Kohanim

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Community Answers

  1. We are working on it. As it say: Developer test only at this time. With kind regards, Michel
  2. @tazman, It's under Settings for Developers. With kind regards, Michel
  3. Hello everyone, As you may have seen in UD Mobile menu, we are now testing Matter inclusion and finally got something relatively stable going in the lab. We will have three phases: 1. Inclusion and control of WiFi based Matter devices (using QR code) 2. Inclusion and control of Matter devices through a Matter Edge router (such as Google Home, Apple HomeKit, etc.) 3. Inclusion and control of Matter devices through the ZMatter board (Zigbee/Thread). Please note that this last option may make your Zigbee routing less reliable. With kind regards, Michel
  4. @EWhite, apologies for the delay. In the logs, nothing showed that the plugins were restarting on their own (that's what the original complaint was about after upgrading to pg3x) so I had to assign to Benoit. He should be able to get back to you shortly. With kind regards, Michel
  5. @mmb, Excellent idea ... With kind regards, Michel
  6. Thank you all for your patience. We already have WiFi based Matter devices working. The commissioning will be done using UD Mobile. For Thread based Matter devices, if you have a border router that provides the key, that's also supported. What we are working on is the dual Thread/Zigbee stack on the chip to allow for eisy to directly integrate with Thread based Matter devices (Eve). At this juncture, it's working but it dramatically decreases the reliability of all other Zigbee devices. We are trying to see whether or not this can be alleviated. With kind regards, Michel
  7. You're welcome to return it. There is no lack of attention to this product. Matter is a behemoth of over 20GB of source code most of which do not apply to our platform. We have gotten Matter over WiFi with BLE commissioning working on a couple of devices and it will be available for testing shortly. With kind regards, Michel
  8. @Kevin, Please submit a ticket. With kind regards, Michel
  9. @efett, Can you please let us know what's not working? Please submit a ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets With kind regards, Michel
  10. Please replace polisy.local with it's ip address. With kind regards, Michel
  11. For Polisy only, Please upgrade to PG3X: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Polisy:User_Guide#Upgrading_to_PG3x With kind regards, Michel
  12. The backend yes. There also needs to be a fix in the plugin itself. With kind regards, Michel
  13. @TJF1960, I changed the option to Free/perpetual. With kind regards, Michel
  14. @SMorgan, are you on 5.8.3? With kind regards, Michel
  15. Hi All, got WiFi commissioning working. Apologies for the delay, it's just been a huge pain with fluid specs that changed again just last month. I hate saying "we are very close" since it seems that with Matter, we keep chasing after a different goal post. With kind regards, Michel
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