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  1. My thanks to UD. The system is back up and running! It was not something I could have done, so no point in elaborating other that it is fixed in an exceptionally professional manner
  2. Hi I show [Ticket #22965] Poloy dropped off line Oct 20, cannot get reconnected The original ticket and 2 additional informations of my progress
  3. I also have the IP address showing up as and my router does not recognize the MAC address. So the DHCP registry for the MAC shows diconnected. The "cloud console" works to reboot etc. but no changes seem to be saved. For example my location is not saved between sessions
  4. This does not complete for me, I just get a "polisy.local’s server IP address" could not be found. message I cannot connect to Polygot on the Polisy Looks like I am out of the running until my ticket comes up.
  5. Doh, I saw this too late. My Polisy Pro is as old as they come. Pre-Order version. It upgraded to 13.2 but says niether the Insteon PLM nor the z-wave controllers are connected so nothing works. I have tried all the steps on this forum to no avail. I submitted a ticket. Hopefully I can bring it back to life. I am in Canada and Aartech can't sell me the USB to Serial cable for the PLM or the Case for my existing z-wave board. Hence, I can't even upgrade to an EISY if required. This is really frustrating. Turns out I can just need to buy a new EISY, a new complete zMatter Dongle and a new USB Insteon PLM for about $1000. I really wish this darn thing had not auto upgraded me into hell.
  6. Just found a thread that seems to speak to this issue. I will check that out. Sorry for the bother.
  7. My Polisy programs stopped working sometime in October. Not sure of the exact date. (I was bed ridden with a severe case of covid) Yesturday I started to debug it. Oddly the IoX launcher behaved differently that the last time I used it. I did not get a direct console connection to the Polisy on a network IP. The Polisy showed up as a cloud console. I followed some instructions on this forum to update to 5.7.0_5 since this seemed to describe the problem of programs not working. The update process from the console seemed to have an effect, front lights flashed etc. but I got 5 beeps ... Programs still did not work, more importantly with the cloud console I could not test because instructions from the console to turn lights on and off (Insteon, z-Wave and hue) failed to work on all devices, door lock reported ssl security errors etc. Further investigation revealed my router will not assign an IP address to the Polisy. It is the same router I have used for the past 2 years. There is a reference in the routers DHCP table for the Polisys MAC address, but the Polisy is undetected. I moved the Polisy to direct connect to the router and eliminate possible switch problems. Still no joy. I tried network reset. pin in hole until 2 leds -> no change I ended up doing a factory reset, pin in the hole until 3 LEDS lit (again with the cloud console) it definately reset since I needed the factory credentials to log in. Still there is no IP address and NOTHING works, did a recover from backup nothing works. I cannot ssl into the polisy because there is no IP address. I should have a good electrical connection for the cat4e cable, the leds blink appropiately indicatin speed and physical connection. I suspect a fault in the network subsytem of the Polisy I have no idea what else to do
  8. Irakandjii

    Error 503

    I have this error too in the Mobile app. Yet, I am on a Polisy and just updated from an i994. It is the old reverence to the i994 that is showing the message. I cannot find a way in the App to remove the now defunct system. Seems it may be an issue with the App. Update: I logged out of everything and restarted --> The error cleared
  9. Hi folks I am in the process of upgrading my i994 to policy with the matter board. I am very happy that S2 security protocols are now in place for z-wave since I am using S2 enabled devices. I am using Aeotec z-wave extender 7's that support z-wave S2 and the devices are now recognized by Polisy appropriately requiring a PIN to authorize. So the network now supports it. I have some preexisting extenders that were installed before S2 support and they were migrated to Polisy, it appears they are not supporting S2 yet. Looks like I must forget / reinstall them. Has anyone compiled a best practices for migrating / install z-wave S2 enabled networks? If not, I would be willing to assist in its development. We could begin by posting to this thread.
  10. I used the instructions as written. I have a single z-wave device left in placeholder mode. I have had problems with it before so it may just be a fault in the switch. My Door locks were detected and function properly using the old ISY-944 program. 8 z-wave devices 23 Insteon devices 6 programs I am pleased with the outcome. Thank you.
  11. Yes you are correct, I had forgotten that I used a TTL to USB adapter when doing this in the past. Senior moment. I have edited the post and removed my previous speculation. I toyed with using an old TTL to USB Serial adapter and then ... thought .. but why?
  12. I am not sure if this is helpful to folks, but I had some trouble understanding the above with picture orientations and all. I want to make my own cable to make things easier. I have an aversion to adapters. Though the one identified above would certainly be simple enough. Based on the following published documentation. PowerLinc Modem (Serial) (insteon.com) RS-232 DB9 pinout diagram @ pinoutguide.com The pin numbers used below are the standard numbering. Usually stamped into the DB9 and defined by the shape of the RJ45 jack. Pictures are provided in the links above. The RJ45 jack on the PLM uses : PIN 1 = RS232 Rx --> PIN 2 on DB9 PIN 8 = RS232 Tx --> PIN 3 on DB9 PIN 7 = Ground --> PIN 5 on DB9 RS232 potentially uses voltage levels from -12 to 12 volts, but can be as low as -3 to 3 volts. This is not compatible with USB hence the need for an adapter. Removed references to TTL , if it reappears the concept is incorrect.
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