My ISY994 with Insteon installation has been stable for a long time. However, recently, I wanted to get back into the "console" application. However, all my computers with Java on them have been retired. For security reasons, I don't intend to install java on my "existing" mac computers, I attempted to create a Debian Virtual Machine in parallels to run the console. This way, I can take the machine (and java) offline by just not running the VM.
I successfully setup the VM (just using the default Ubuntu image from parallels), did an "sudo apt install icedtea-netx" to install the javaws support. I then downloaded the IoX Launcher.jnlp from ISY. I've verified that I can run "java -version", and I get a response showing that "openjdk-11" is installed. However, I seem to have problems actually launching the console from the .jnlp file. The launcher does run and show the ISY device, but I cannot actually bring up the console.
The ISY finder finds the ISY, but I cannot "launch" the console. I get a security pop-up warning to approve, but I'm unable to click the "OK" button. After the attempt, no other buttons in the ISY finder are responsive.
Can someone share any info on how to solve this issue?