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Community Answers

  1. Many folks on here talk about and use hue. I used to use hue when I used my polisy. I believe it works natively with it now
  2. Go with what Tazman said. You must operate the scene when using the admin console. Using the device itself will only operate that device. What you are experiencing is proper behavior.
  3. Tazman is correct. I didnt read his message close enough. He's activating the secondary switch of a 3way (non-load) instead of the scene itself. Since he's activating the device, he's only controlling that device.
  4. As long as the signal reaches it will work. Just remove the photocell, wire the module in place, and program. I recommend adding the module to your system prior to installing.
  5. lilyoyo1

    WIZ Integration

    Isy or eisy? Isy integration would be zero chance since it's obsolete and no more updates are coming for it. Eisy would be based on a developers interest. While wiz may be big for you, it may not be big enough for the eisy community (developer or udi) to justify the time and effort to develop, maintain, and support a node server for it.
  6. The only benefit would be not needing a plm. It would require a rewrite of insteon code since insteon is not zigbee based. Since you're wanting to use the eisy anyway, there wouldn't be a noticeable difference in performance.
  7. As others have said (and linked to), 5.3.4 is the latest (and last) update for the isy994 due to it being eol.
  8. Insteon doesnt have to support Matter if the eisy supports it. Your devices would talk to other matter devices via the eisy.
  9. You need to decide on 1 controller and 1 method for that controller otherwise you will continue to face the issues you are having. It's akin to having multiple bosses at a job that issuing commands but none of the bosses know about each other and what each other are doing. If your software is doing what you need, then you should stick with that and code for everything else that you want. Otherwise, I'd look at the eisy and portal subscription as an investment that allows you to grow your system exactly the way you want it to be.
  10. lilyoyo1

    In Stock?

    Only udi would have that info
  11. With the Matter issues I've seen online, I hope its coming soon, like landing humans on Mars. Judging by the issues I've read about with other systems, Matter itself isn't ready for primetime. I'm sure they are taking the slow approach to minimize the impact a poor implementation will have on their company. After all, it's them paying for tech support when things do not go well.
  12. Matter never mattered for me. Im not interested in trying to use a multitude of different devices in my home when I can use a few choice systems that work exceptionally well together. The way things are right now with Matter; I am reminded of all the posts when it was first announced about how it was the protocol that would end fragmentation....only to end up with another fragmented confusing mess of a system.
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