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Everything posted by jca001

  1. Based on the label on the module, it supports Z-Wave and Zigbee. Your suggested name has Matter in it. I suggest Z-MatterZ
  2. The last couple of weeks I have had problems access the forum now and then. I am not sure if I have an Internet problem or the Forum Server is having a problem. I get error that states Server did not respond, try again later. When this happens, I can still access other Web Sites with no problem. So that is why I am wondering if anybody else is having problems.
  3. @pmarcos It may be labeled / listed as Z-Wave Plus, but could have been manufactured before the patent expired that allowed all manufactures to provide instant status update. The work around the patent was to have the device send a hail when the status changed and then the controller could query the device to get the current status. So you have to create a program where the IF checks for the hail and when triggered, the THEN should do a query of the device. The status of the device in ISY will be delayed by a small amount.
  4. @Michel Kohanim I installed zabbix5-agentd-5.0.6 and it seems to be working fine. It found CPU information, File System information and other things and there are no errors logged on Polisy or my Zabbix Server. So this may be fine for my needs.
  5. @Michel Kohanim I had done "pkg search zab" before and nothing showed up. But I just did it now and see zabbix-agent-5.0.6. I am running Zabbix 5.2.2, any chance the agent for 5.2 could be provided? I am going to install the 5.0.6 agent on my Polisy and see if my Zabbix Server can use it. Thanks for all the help you have provided.
  6. @Michel Kohanim I was able to get SNMP configured on Polisy and Zabbix Server is getting lots, really too much, information. I will continue to make changes to /etc/snmpd.config.
  7. @Michel Kohanim I just checked Zabbix Download page and selected FreeBSD and it shows support only up to 11.2 of the OS for Zabbix 5.2 that I am running. So this may be why it is not listed in the UDI's repository. Unless you can find an Agent in the UDI repository, I will just try setting up SNMP. I just want to monitor that Polisy is on my network and running and I think Generic SNMP will provide some System information, such as CPU utilization, Memory utilization, etc that would indicate Polisy is running. I checked Polisy I can find /etc/snmpd.config, but not the snmpd program itself. Maybe FreeBSD implemented it using a different name for the daemon. Running sudo pkg -v version, indicates there are 3 SNMP related packages installed and up to date. I will loook at /etc/snmpd.config and see if I can figure out how to configure SNMP. I may need a little help with this.
  8. @Michel Kohanim There is still something wrong. sudo pkg search zab, does not show anything. Just to make sure the command does match something I did, sudo pkg search dev, and it showed many packages that contained "dev" somewhere in the package name. I think even if the package was in the repository your example would have failed because I think you meant to type "zabbix5-agent", 2bs.
  9. @Michel Kohanim I was hoping that was a missed step and everything would be fine after that, but it is not. [admin@polisy ~]$ uname -a FreeBSD polisy 12.2-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE-p2 r368666 POLISY amd64 sudo pkg update, says there is nothing to update. sudo pkg upgrade, says everything is up to date. sudo pkg install zabbix-client, still says the package is not matched. I am running zabbix 5.X, so maybe a version needs to be specified? Something like zabbix-client5. I tried to find an option for pkg (man pkg) to list all the available packages, but could not identify one.
  10. @Michel Kohanim thanks for the quick reply. I am missing something or there are more command that I need to run. Before doing the following I rebooted Polisy. [admin@polisy ~]$ uname -a FreeBSD polisy 12.1-RELEASE-p5 FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE-p5 r361000 POLISY amd64 [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo pkg update Updating FreeBSD-base repository catalogue... FreeBSD-base repository is up to date. Updating udi repository catalogue... udi repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo pkg upgrade Updating FreeBSD-base repository catalogue... FreeBSD-base repository is up to date. Updating udi repository catalogue... udi repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. Checking for upgrades (0 candidates): 100% Processing candidates (0 candidates): 100% Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) Your packages are up to date. [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo pkg install zabbix-client Updating FreeBSD-base repository catalogue... FreeBSD-base repository is up to date. Updating udi repository catalogue... udi repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. pkg: No packages available to install matching 'zabbix-client' have been found in the repositories
  11. @Michel Kohanim Thanks. As always one answer leads to more questions. Just for clarification, do you mean the Zabbix Client or SNMP in general? Is there a Time Line, version update when it will be available? Will the inclusion be automatic or will I have to do some special steps?
  12. I have a Zabbix Server running on a RPI 4 that is monitoring my PCs, other RPIs, Network Equipment, etc. I know ISY994 does not support any kind of SNMP so Zabbix just checks it is up by doing a ping. I have a Polisy and I know it is running BSD and Zabbix has a BSD Agent. So my question is can the Zabbix BSD Agent be install on Polisy? Or does Polisy support some Generic SNMP that I can configure Zabbix to use?
  13. Good information. When I go to the URL and click on any of the vendor links or manual links it does not take me to them. It opens a window like I did a search on GitHub stating nothing found. Note: I do not have a GitHub account and therefore I am not signed in.
  14. I assume by react, you clicking on the heart on the bottom right of a post. If so, I just liked the last 3 post and did not get the pop-up.
  15. Because 5.3.0 is now an official release should it show available on Help or somewhere else on the Admin Console if you are running one of the 5.X releases? Or is it still going to require a manual upgrade?
  16. I will do that if it happens again. I have already clicked on START and it is running for now. I my other topic I stated I now have ISY Programs that will send me an email when the status indicated disconnected so I will know when it stops sooner.
  17. I had not checked the values of OpenWeatherMap or looked at the NS for a couple of days. It has stopped again but there is no trace back. Here are the last lines in the log file. OpenWeatherMap_log.txt
  18. The next time it shows disconnected I will send you the log file.
  19. It has stopped at different time. The day before it was around 06:?? and then at about 20:30. Nothing specific happened on my network that I am aware of and my cable modem, router, switch and RPI are all on an UPS. I know it would take more coding, but maybe it would be good if there was an option to change the precision to what the user wanted to see. I just think it is bad to cause the ISY to trigger a program each time a value changes by 100th or even 10th when the test may be for a whole value. Maybe I am wrong about this but I am pretty sure I had a test program that just incremented a counter when the temperature was above say 80 F and it counted a lot probably each time it changed to 80.1, 80.2, 80.3 and then back to 80.2, etc. This is just my opinion, but other may have different ones.
  20. I know I have already replied to this, but I was looking at my RPI Node Server and noticed for the last 2 days OpenWeatherMap has showed offline. I just click on start and it is OK. I don't see an error, it just seems to stop. I can provide the log file if you want to look at it. Looking at the values on the AC it has temperatures and wind speed with NNN.NN, which is what I was talking about in general. I think they should be whole numbers. I cannot really see somebody want to trigger a program if the temperature was say above 88.6 F. Maybe 1-digit fraction precision is needed for "C".
  21. No. I was just making a general statement about any thing that has a temperature values, weather or thermostats. Some others that I think should have less precision, no fraction are MPH and humidity.
  22. I think not sending values unless they change is a good thing in general. But values should be sent every so often even if they do not change in case ISY is rebooted so the values will get updated after some amount of time. Maybe every 5 or 10 minutes or a configurable parameter. While I am making suggestions I don't think temperatures should be NNN.NN. I think they should be NNN.N. Who needs to know if the temperature changed by 100th of a degree? This can cause programs to trigger every time the value is updated because it changes between say 81.11 and 81.12.
  23. I also have (ISY Portal variable pseudo MS) and several weeks ago they just stopped working. I waited a week to see if they would fix them self (Amazon identify something in general and fix it). But that did not happen and I contacted Amazon Support and have done so each week since. I get the same thing from them (be assured our technical staff is working on your problem and we will contact you when they have a fix). All that really happens is they say my MS must not be working correctly. Then I explain again that looking on the iPhone Amazon Alexa App it shows motion detected for the MS, but the routine still does not run. So that indicates to me that the ISY Portal and Amazon are communicating with each other. I can also manually cause the routine to play from the iPhone Amazon Alexa App and it does what it is supposed to. So that indicates to me there is nothing wrong with the routine. So I will be contacting them again tomorrow to get an update, which I am sure it will be the same.
  24. @TexMike I did a lot of Googling and came across several post about this type of problem and some had (Amazon Personal) stating it was reported to development and then later stating it was resolved, but nothing about what the real problem and solution was. And follow up post stating the OP was still having the problem, and then nothing. Most were last year or earlier this year, but nothing for the last week or so. Your solution was to use a different account, so that sounds like it may be something specific to an account and not an over all problem affecting everybody. So I wonder if it related to an option that accidentally got changed or defaulted after some update and need to be changed, some count of something being done, etc? Did you get any response from others in the other forum stating they were having the same type of problem? Since this was back in July, have you tried setting up things in your account again to see if something changed?
  25. Mine is setup for (Detect:1) because when the ISY is reboot the variable will default to 0 unless you have an init value defined.
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