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Everything posted by Techness

  1. If you have the Alexa App on your phone, you can see the "spokens" that have been added in the devices section. Just as an FYI I have in the past integrated a KPL with Alexa, was not easy and once completed was still not very reliable. That may have only been because I was using the KPL to trigger Alexa routines.
  2. Portal Service is also down for me. Local control working fine.
  3. Note that in my experience adding a Z-wave device is not a small undertaking as you really need to have a network of devices before they start performing reliably. They need neighbors devices nearby that they can communicate with to create a mesh network. in my experience to be reliable at all they need to be in range of at least two other devices that are capable of two way communication (power line devices). I began my Z-wave journey with 2 door locks and ended up having to adding 5 Z-wave power outlets around my small house before I had a somewhat reliable network. Concerning reliability of devices will say that I have already had to replace two Z-wave outlets in less then 5 years. I have never had to replace any of my Insteon outlets that are now 10 years old and are cycled at least once a day. Now that I wrote that, I know what I will be doing next weekend ;). That said, I now have a much larger z-wave network in my house including a ZEN17 relay that seems to be working OK. Although is a bit slower in response time then I would like. To early to rate it on reliability as it has only been in use for a couple of months. Concerning my controller I still run a ISY994 with a 500 series Z-wave board. So an upgrade to an EISY might give you better mileage.
  4. I just added a ZEN52 (2 relay version) and it added fine with 3 quick button presses. It took me a few tries as my first few attempts I do not think I was pressing the button fast enough
  5. Hello UDI I just ordered the new dongle today to upgrade my system and also installed 5.0.13. Seems to be working fine so far. During the upgrade I intendedly wiped out my current z-wave configuration as I only had a First Alert smoke detector enabled in the interface and I plan to link it fresh once I have the new dongle installed I also have a couple of GE Z-Wave ceiling fan wall switches that I have powered up and tested to make sure they would work with ISY but have not installed......Yet And.....I just ordered a Yale dead bolt during Prime Day that will be installing once the new dongle is in place. In the spirit of beta testing...is there anything that you guys would like try/test as I install the new hardware?
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