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  1. Thanks @Panda88- my Blink NS is working again!
  2. Hello Michel, Do you think the discount (which expires 1/31/24) will be extended? Or can we submit an order while they're out of stock?
  3. OK, I will open a ticket. Here's the snippet from the sysconfig.txt output: pg3x-3.2.12 Name : pg3x Version : 3.2.12 Installed on : Mon Oct 23 23:29:45 2023 PDT Thanks.
  4. Hello. I've updated several times in the past months/years with few issues (due to great advise and tips in these forums) but this latest PG3x v3.2.13 won't install. I'm on an older Polisy that is running FreeBSD polisy 13.2-RELEASE-p4 and the latest isy-5.7.0_5 with pg3x-3.2.12. However, when I initiate the "Upgrade Packages" from the Admin Console, I get the prompt to Confirm but nothing appears to occur after I click "Yes" except the prompt goes away. I do see this in the Event Log: Fri 11/03/2023 07:02:47 AM : Create REST U7 [/rest/upgrade-polisy]. I've waited hours and days between attempts and have also performed a hard power off/on. Everything appears to be working fine so I'm not in dire straits, just not able to get the PG3x update installed. I'm fine with waiting for the next update - just curious if there's something I'm missing?
  5. Gotcha. I had changed to the Fast ON/OFF because in one of the latest IoX releases the DON stopped working and I found that the Fast On was a work around. I think the difference is no ramp up/down. Seems to be working fine.
  6. Thanks @Panda88. What you suggested worked. I created the scene for muliple remotes to control lights. For instance, I use the Yolink remote on my night stand to turn on/off each of the bedroom lights and a main hall and outside lights. The scene also has other remotes including the Yolink on my wife's night stand. Thanks for your work and support on getting these Yolink remotes to work. The Insteon ones are on their last legs...
  7. I left the Fob functions as "Default" because I'm not clear how I would identify multiple functions (eg. On/Off) otherwise - I tried using the toggle function but I couldn't get it to work. Also, when I did choose the Short Press for ON and the Long Press for OFF, it just reverted back so I just used the defaults knowing that the short press was OFF...at least it was working that way. Now it doesn't work in the scene at all. I do see when monitoring the Fob device that it does show the button status correctly. YoLink_3-16-2023_53948-PM.zip
  8. I setup scenes after earlier discussion on this thread. It was working for the most part (as I described earlier). However, the scenes stopped functioning all together - I haven't spent too much time trying to troubleshoot yet. I will try using programs again as you depict above.
  9. I didn't reconfigure anything. I've sent a log but I'm not sure if it has what you want - if you send me specific instructions, I'll capture exactly what you want. ISY-Events-Log.v5.5.7__Thu 2023.03.16 11.13.19 AM.txt
  10. @Panda88Updated to 0.8.88 and now scenes that were working aren't functioning anymore. (remote)
  11. I do see the 4 sub-nodes just as you say. The program example above was not a working program; I only created it to illustrate the options available. I did choose a sub-node as well as the main node for examples. I also do not think I would need the first IF statement - just trying to show the choices. I don't see a difference "control" versus "status". I may not know what I'm doing... Regarding the lights coming ON based on the last setting in the scene, I'll see if I can capture a debug. Cheers!
  12. @Panda88I don't know how to do what you describe in programs; I just created this example to show the options that I see when I use the remote in a program (this isn't a real program): Also, I have a minor problem using the remote in scenes. For instance, if someone turns a light on with the remote and later a program or smart device is used to turn the light off, the light comes back on after a short time (within 5 mins). It appears that whatever the last command was used from the remote to control the device gets checked again (after a poll?) and reinitiates the command for the scene. We just need to ensure that we turn the light off with the remote if we want it to stay off.
  13. @bpwwerThe Query worked. Thanks! I had tried the discover button both on the AC and on the NS page but that didn't change anything. Didn't think of trying the query. Darn it! I appreciate the response.
  14. Version: 1.0.11 on PG3 3.1.17 on IoX 5.5.7 isn't providing the counters on the Admin Console anymore...not sure when it stopped working. Is there a known issue? Any resolution? Not critical, just curious. FYI, I have 10 other Node Servers that are working fine. Restarted the NS several times (which used to work) but still isn't updating the counters. Total Nodes, Node Server Nodes and Error Log Entries are the only counters displayed.
  15. @Panda88Works perfect! Thanks! After restarting the NS, it wasn't making much sense until I remembered I should've restarted the Admin Console as well; before I did the individual buttons were on the list but the configuration parameters hadn't updated - became clear after the AC was refreshed. Also, it took me a little while to figure out that I needed to focus on scenes rather than programs; the logic for the key programming doesn't really make sense (to me) for a program. And it also took a minute (longer for me) to figure out to set the defaults for each key press for each keyfob device in the AC and then add the individual key to the scene using those defaults (rather than trying to configure the key in the scene.) There are probably more ways to get it to work but I settled on configuring the short press for ON and the long press for OFF. I wasn't able to get the toggle function to work but I'm happy with the way it works this way. Now I have multiple remotes (including Insteon) controlling a single light and there aren't any conflicts as before with the program method. Thanks again!
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