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  1. Ross's post in Openweather all 0's was marked as the answer   
    @apostolakisl Have you upgraded from One Call 2.5 tp 3.0?  OpenWeatherMap deprecated 2.5 in June.  @bpwwer released version 4.0 of his plug-in to work with One Call 3.0.
    It's not all that clear on their website, but the free version provides 1,000 calls per day.  You can set your limit (change it from 2,000 to 1,000) so you don't go over this number and get charged.
    If you've already done the above, then I'm sorry - your issue is over my head!
  2. Ross's post in How is the Moon Phase interpreted was marked as the answer   
    @ISY4Me I just downloaded the NS.  My Moon Phase number is now 21.34 (at 7:10am Pacific on Jan 4,2023).  It should be the age of the moon (in days) since the last new moon.  However, I just searched online and the moon is currently 22.55 days old.  So, the number doesn't make sense to me.  The azimuth and elevation do appear reasonable; however, I don't understand Zenith.  I think we should monitor the moon phase until the next new moon on Jan 11 (3:57am Pacific) and see if it starts over.  I don't know enough about NodeServers to see what math it's using.
    Here's an explanation of the Age of Moon (sorry if you already knew this): https://in-the-sky.org/article.php?term=age_of_moon.
    If you don't mind: when I clicked on More Info, I just got a Not Found page.  Did you use meters or feet for your elevation?
  3. Ross's post in ST-Sonos Node Server "Failed" was marked as the answer   
    After upgrading Polisy, learning about putty, SSH-ing, Node.js among other things and researching forums about other node server "Failed" issues and sweating about this for a couple of days, I stumbled upon a great idea.
    I unplugged and plugged back in my Sonos speakers and the node server worked again.
    Happy New Year,
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