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    airline pilot/engineer

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  1. I like the simplicity of the program by bmercer above - but how would you also set controller/responder buttons in a keypad link to illuminate anytime the master or slave dimmers are above 0%? I am running 5.0.10 and have tried various ways to accomplish this - but have not had any luck so far.
  2. Maybe I am really confused here. I am getting the impression that with the new Elk module that when you "export" out of the ISY admin screen it automatically imports into the Elk and you no longer save the export file and then use ELK RP to import it. Is that correct???
  3. Having a problem: Elk all updated, Elk RP updated, module purchased and installed correctly. Everything seems great except importing the xml lighting file. When I export the file I don't get an option where to save it. Instead it simply opens up an IE page with the export data on the page. Probably something stupid I am doing but I can usually figure out my own stupid mistakes after a while and this one has me stumped.
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