I have tested isy on polisy, mainly scenes, programs, and devices, which are working great. Thanks UDI team.
I have not moved anything over from my current isy box. So, I have a few questions.
· Currently using no Z-wave devices.
· Current isy box version is 5.016C – 2413S plm
· Current isy on polisy 5.04A – 2413U plm
1. Once isy box and isy on polisy have the same version #s, could a back-up from isy box be restored onto the isy on polisy?
2. Can you run P3 on the isy box?
3. If P3 can run on isy box, what version # is required?
4. Can you run P3 on 2 separate isy’s at the same time?
5. Would you recommend I update isy box to 5.3.4 test build?
Thank you in advance,