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  1. Not disagreeing, but if this is a "feature", I'd hope for a clearer indication. Also why my home automation lives on separate vlan... building walls works both ways (says the guy that had his whs server ransomwared last year)
  2. I'd gotten lazy because the isy is on an isolated vlan...I've been accessing the admin console through the UD portal (rather than local direct lan access). Connecting to the isy locally let me run the update...I was unaware that trying to update via the portal is an issue (and perhaps that is firewall related). now hopefully everything is still working Thanks for the suggestion.
  3. I'm trying to upgrade from v.5.0.16 to v.5.0.16(c) because my insteon heartbeats are not working. I have a isy994 zw and am using the udi_oadr_5.0.16C.zip ...I get to 96% complete and then receive a ”Upgrade Failed: Failed uploading file (reported written size is invalid)” I've rebooted the isy, I've cycled power on the isy, I've re-downloaded the firmware image...I've tried updating 5x times...I'm stuck. What does this message indicate, and how do I fix the issue?
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