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  1. apostolakisl's post in Eisy Migrating Problem - Programs all have Red ! on Main Tab was marked as the answer   
    Red exclamation marks will only ever be next to devices, not programs, and it would be under the "main" tab, not the "program" tab.  It means ISY failed to communicate with the device.  If every device has this, then there is an issue with your PLM.  I guess you ran diagnostics and did a "PLM Links Table" to get your count.  115 isn't a very big count, roughly how many Insteon devices and scenes do you have?  If you haven't run a PLM links table, I would do so.  This will read the links off of your PLM which will tell you for sure that your EISY is connected and that the PLM has actual links on it.  You can try running a device links table and pick one of your devices.  This will go out out to the device and read the links that are currently written to it.  This may totally fail in your case since it seems nothing will communicate, but you can try.  You can compare that to the links table that ISY expects to be there if it does read.
    The results of doing these things may help isolate the problem.
  2. apostolakisl's post in Replace failed switch with new was marked as the answer   
    You have to have the old switch in the root folder.  So first right click and remove from folder, then go to its new location in the tree and right click and you will see the "replace with" command.  The new switch will have to be the same switch or an updated version of the same switch or you won't be given the option to select it as the destination of the programming.  
  3. apostolakisl's post in Programs suddenly Not running and show as disabled. was marked as the answer   
    I have suffered the same issue.   First off, there are some revisions of the current firmware that supposedly fix this bug. Go to https://polisy.local:8443/WEB/sysconfig.txt and find your current firmware.  You will see a section that looks like this:
    isy-5.7.0_5 Name : isy Version : 5.7.0_5 Installed on : Thu Oct 26 20:04:26 2023 CDT Origin : misc/isy Architecture : FreeBSD:13:amd64 Prefix : /usr/local Categories : misc Licenses : Maintainer : michel@universal-devices.com WWW : UNKNOWN Comment : ISY Port to X (IoX)  
    The latest version is 7..5.0_5   My system was on the _4 version when it spontaneously disabled all my programs.  Please do an "update packages" to get the _5 version which I pray fixes the issue.    
    I am going to assume you have programs that are supposed to be disabled and that you have lots of programs and that figuring out which ones are supposed to be disabled would be a major PITA.  In that case, hopefully you have a recent backup so you can restore the programs to proper enabled/disabled status.  If it is easy for you to know which programs are supposed to be disabled, just go to the program summary page, block highlight all the programs, right click, and click enable. 
    Unfortunately, my backup was 6 months old and my system had changed.  First I made a current backup of the system.  Then I restored my 6 mo old backup, took screen shots of all the programs showing enabled/disabled, then loaded the current backup back onto the system.  I block highlighted all the programs and enabled them, then went back and disabled the 30 or so that needed to be disabled using my screenshots.  Then I made a new backup just in case _5 version hasn't actually fixed the issue.
  4. apostolakisl's post in Elk Node server compatible w/ expected Elk E27 Alarm engine? was marked as the answer   
    @photogeek54 The Elk module for ISY I suspect is an EOL product.  If the new Elk isn't identical to the old regarding integration, the Elk module won't work and UD is not doing any module development.  They even threatened to stop native Insteon support (but they backed off on that).  As far as I know, only zwave and Insteon will continue to have native support on the UD consumer products.  Everything else will go to a node server.
    I had the module when I had my 994i.  I have switched to ISY on Polisy which does not support any modules, so I had to switch to the node server.  The node server by @Jimbo.Automates is better in that it integrates more Elk features, but it is worse in that it doesn't present and organize as well as the module.  For example, you can't click on a tab and see all your zones, voltages, and status in a nice table all at once.   Or all your outputs in a single table along with status.  Things are just in folder trees, somewhat mixed together and you can only view the status of one at a time by clicking on it.  I don't believe that there is anything @Jimbo.Automates can do within the confines of a node server to change that.
  5. apostolakisl's post in Simple evening kitchen light program was marked as the answer   
    This works fine.  But you have a completely useless variable.  The following is the same function and basic construction without the variable.
    If         From     6:00:00PM         To      11:00:00PM (same day)    Or From    Sunset  - 30 minutes         To      11:00:00PM (same day) Then        blank  Else        blank Program KitchenEvening If         program above is true Then         Set 'Kitchen RGBW + puck' On  Else         Set 'Kitchen RGBW + puck' Off Remember what I said, if you have a variable that only has two states, you usually don't need a variable.
  6. apostolakisl's post in Another Insteon dimmer bites the dust? was marked as the answer   
    Those old dimmers I had failures.  The newer dual band ones I have never had a failure that I can recall.  I decommissioned my entire single band setup years ago and replaced it with all dual band.  I was able to fix a number of those older ones by replacing the capacitors.  But I don't recall ever having one behave like you are describing.  To open the switches, however, you have to drill out the rivet on the heat sink.  When re-assembling, you need to have a rivet set.
  7. apostolakisl's post in How to run program once a minute was marked as the answer   
    Use repeat every 1 minute. If the pump changes status it will imediately switch from true to false or vice versa. It will start to run on its own first time pump chages status. Or click run at start up to trigger it at startup. 
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