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    Southern Indiana
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    Engineering Technician

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  1. @SoCal Rob Glad you got it working
  2. IIRC ,if program 2 is not disabled, the If would run on its own when conditions were met, it would need to be disabled to allow program 1 to call it when wait finishes. Maybe the upgrade enabled program 2? I run many prgrams with waits and calls to IF statements in disabled programs with no problems.
  3. Success. I uninstalled and reinstalled Node Server, everything work great now. Thank you again for all your help and what seems to be a great add-on.
  4. OK, I think I screwed something up when I was trying to make things work, prior to reaching out. I followed the above and everything is working in the Node server and in the portal>ISY Web Access>Mydevices and scenes there is a listing for APIXU and opening it gives me all the current info, but in Admin Console, there is no data or data boxes in the APIXU or forecasts. I am sure I did something in the Admin Console>Node Server>configure>APIXU dialog box. In messing around yesterday I changed the user ID and password to my APIXU login at one point, dum dum dum... I did not make note of previous user ID, tried PGC and PCS, guessing at my failed memory. Should I delete it from polycloud and reinstall, now that I know what I am doing, supposedly or is there a way to fix the configure in Admin Console. And thank you very much for your help Bob!!!!!!
  5. I am so lost. I was trying to use APIXU from the poly cloud. It installed fine, I had empty data fields in Admin Console. Registered on APIXU got API key opened configuration on poly site, entered API in Custom Config parameters. Now have no data fields in Admin Console and The umbrella icons have changed to light bulbs. I have never used Polyglot before and am in very unfamiliar territory. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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