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  1. 9/6 email alerts started. I do not setup an SMTP server on IOX like I had defined on ISY. I migrated ISY to IOX on Polisy 8/24. I received no alerts until 9/6 from alerts@universal-devices.com. Did something change on the UDI side? Ae alerts not defined to use SMTP server get relayed via alerts@universal-devices.com?? Also some of these alerts rom programs do not seem to be accurate although the programs and alerts were correct on ISY. For example I received the email below from a program but according to the program the alert should not be sent. Email alert about a status that shouldn't trigger an alert according to the program
  2. I have a precision circuits inc in a 2023 RV. The system monitors and controls 2 thermostats, batteries, tank levels, water pump, generator.... and has a control panel with Bluetooth connection for phone app. Has anyone integrated either zmatter, zwave or wifi or other connectivity so this system can be monitored or access remotely? Bluetooth allows all controls within Bluetooth range via app.P-Plex-Mini-User-Guide-1.pdf
  3. thanks bob123, that's what I thought. Since there is nothing to exclude / include I am resetting each repeater and sensor then readding to zwave network then I'll rebuild ~20 programs This has been a painful migration experience overall but on the bright side I have a backup ISY994 with most of the right settings if the polisy dies
  4. Thanks for the insights @bob123 that appears to have worked. I power cycled polisy without zooz stick in USB, inserted zooz, power cycled again and have the zwave menu back. z-wave version + Library z-wave version. Unfortunately all nodes are gone so It look like a z-wave rebuild I'll start reading to figure that out
  5. I do not nor ever had a zmatter board. I started with polisy and zooz. Multiple troubleshooting events with UDI to get PLM working, shipped polisy back and forth to have factory reset, changed cables etc.....I finally have polisy working with new USB PLM but zmatter is stuck in configuration. I have polisy, USB PLM and Zoos USB. Migrating from ISY994, Serial PLM and embedded zwave. I do not know how the zmatter was introduced other than myself following migration steps and may have taken zmatter steps accidentally.
  6. unplugged polisy, wait 5 sec plugged back in without zooz in USB and same result
  7. I am at 5.6.4. I will power cycle polisy now and report. It appears all Insteon devices are working properly (~60 insteon and ~30 zwave).
  8. The only response from zwave meu is
  9. it has not each time I still see zmatter not responding
  10. after that response I have tried rebooting polisy
  11. yes i tried each of the commands. http://<your_polisy>:8080/rest/zmatter/zwave/port/name/override/clear I get This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. <RestResponse succeeded="true"> <status>200</status> </RestResponse>
  12. I accidentally migrated zwave integrated in ISY994 to zmatter before attempting to migrate to EISY. I have since been through numerous troubleshooting sessions with UDI. I now have EISY and new USB PLM working with all Insteon devices but the EISY is still stuck with a zmatter not responding state. I attempted to restore old ISY backups before any zmatter migration would have happened with no luck. Unchecked zwave support and rebooted Polisy several times. Any other options to remove zmatter from EISY conifg so the USB Zooz stick will work??
  13. Thanks everyone for the feedback extremely helpful
  14. Thanks for confirming that. I was browsing the literature and it appears at a glance that those breakers would go into an existing panel, then add the hub and you're online. I guess I'll wait until I build again and I'll have a smart panel installed.
  15. Thanks to everyone for the responses. My use case happens to be a single breaker I need to switch off then on every few months to hard boot some cameras connected. So a single smart breaker is my fix. I have an Insteon linelinc in use on one flood light for control so Inserting a few more of those would be a solution but it's ~10 locations with several high ladder spots so Ive been avoiding it. Thanks for that reminder though. It looks like the Leviton solution will allow me to insert one breaker (or more) rather than an entire panel replacement. Thanks for that I'll do some research.
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