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Everything posted by ralbright

  1. Well I have for the past few weeks been using the tag.dewpoint, and it pulls the dewpoint from the tag. It is not available for graphing, probably because I didn't request that feature. (I had gone to them asking for the particular .dewpoint to be added so that I could use all three in conjunction together.
  2. Here are some of the results from using the tag.dewpoint. Formulas for below variables: corrected_temp = Math.round((tag.temperature * 9 / 5 + 32)*10); corrected_moisture = Math.round(tag.moisture*10); dp_tag = tag.temperature - ((100-tag.moisture)/5); dp_tagF = Math.round((dp_tag *9 / 5 + 32)*10); Bathroom, Main tag.temp: 21.298350228203667 Bathroom, Main corrected_temp: 703 Bathroom, Main tag.moisture: 59.38548278808594 Bathroom, Main corrected_moisture: 594 Bathroom, Main dp_tag: 13.175446785820855 Bathroom, Main dp_tagF: 557 Bathroom, Main tag.dewpoint: 13.069799360247911 Outside tag.temp: 15.760338253445095 Outside corrected_temp: 604 Outside tag.moisture: 68.38311767578125 Outside corrected_moisture: 684 Outside dp_tag: 9.436961788601344 Outside dp_tagF: 490 Outside tag.dewpoint: 9.956201846912432 Bathroom, Master tag.temp: 20.301134533352318 Bathroom, Master corrected_temp: 685 Bathroom, Master tag.moisture: 62.70417022705078 Bathroom, Master corrected_moisture: 627 Bathroom, Master dp_tag: 12.841968578762474 Bathroom, Master dp_tagF: 551 Bathroom, Master tag.dewpoint: 12.962058872287656 Dining Room tag.temp: 20.13942527770996 Dining Room corrected_temp: 683 Dining Room tag.moisture: 60.44835662841797 Dining Room corrected_moisture: 604 Dining Room dp_tag: 12.229096603393554 Dining Room dp_tagF: 540 Dining Room tag.dewpoint: 12.2510262921782
  3. So I have been talking with CAO Gadgets support team. Guess what? So all of our discussions are now a moot point, per my request, they have added tag.dewpoint (it is stored in Celsius). Now we can ping the tag directly to get the dewpoint of the sensor. :)
  4. WHOA. I didn't know that!! So I went back and looked, yep the humidity sensors can be switched to dew point. I have opened a support ticket with CAO asking if they could add an additional property (tag.dewpoint) so that these tag will send BOTH. Let's hope they are paying attention....
  5. Sounds like a beautiful location, makes me a bit jealous. I don't get a lot (clue maybe 1/2 inch twice a year) of snow at my home. But I will look into that curve a bit more, probably only utilize the formula I have when humidity is 50% or greater.
  6. I understand that. Currently I have not been tracking dew point for outside. I am not even sure yet how I will utilize this new variable in my programming yet. I was looking to try to keep to this graph: This graph seems to be fairly easily trackable, and for at least my purposes, thus far it has not been too far off. Now if I could figure out a formula that would give me data points from this graph.... things would be easier I would think. (of course I believe that this is all relative, I am really close to sea level [about 350'] someone that is in the mountains [at 10000+ ft] this likely would need some major adjusting.
  7. Okay so I found a REALLY easy way to approximate the dewpoint in KumoApp for the CAO. And I verified it with quite a few datasets of numbers. It corresponds quite nicely with a graph that I found at http://www.oxywise.com/en/tools/tool/what-is-the-dew-point-and-how-do-you-calculate-it. My problem in the past was I was trying to calculate the dew point in Fahrenheit, but found the equation so much simplier if I calculated it in Celsius and then converted the result to Fahrenheit. It is fairly accurate for relative humidity values above 50%. Found it here: https://iridl.ldeo.columbia.edu/dochelp/QA/Basic/dewpoint.html The formula for approximating dew point in Celsius is: Tp = temperature - ((100 - RH)/5) Then convert that result to Fahrenheit by: TpF = Tp * 9 / 5 + 32 Remember I have version 4 of ISY, so my passed variables are multiplied by 10 so 56.7 will read as 567 var cur_name = tag.name var valid_device = true var corrected_temp = Math.round((tag.temperature * 9 / 5 + 32)*10); var corrected_rssi = Math.round(tag.rssi - 20 * Math.log(tag.txpwr/255)); var corrected_batteryVolt = Math.round(tag.batteryVolt * 1000); var isy_corrected_moisture = 0 var corrected_moisture = Math.round(tag.moisture*10); //KumoApp.Log(cur_name + " tag.temp: " + tag.temperature); //KumoApp.Log(cur_name + " tag.moisture: " + tag.moisture); var dp_tag = tag.temperature - ((100-tag.moisture)/5); //KumoApp.Log(cur_name + " dewpoint tag (C): " + dp_tag); var dp_tagF = Math.round((dp_tag *9 / 5 + 32)*10); //KumoApp.Log(cur_name + " dewpoint tag (F): " + dp_tagF);
  8. How did you fudge dew points? I tried using a KumoApp to create the dew point variable. With fixed TempF of 71.0 and Humidity of 60.6, excel gives me 59.9, while Kumo Apps gives me 13.7 (using a rounding of multiplying by 10, thus generating 137). The formula I used is: Math.round(243.04*(Math.log(RH/100)+((17.625*T)/(243.04+T)))/(17.625-Math.log(RH/100)-((17.625*T)/(243.04+T)))*10); with variables T=tag.temperature and RH=tag.moisture. I got this formula from http://andrew.rsmas.miami.edu/bmcnoldy/Humidity.html. EDIT: oh my goodness, I am such an idiot..... I was feeding the Celsius temperature to the equation..... DOH!! Fixed giving the correct temperature, and realized that the equation is coming REALLY close to the calculator found above. About 5.1 degrees above the calculator, I tried this 4 times now on different rooms gathered sensor data. And it is always about 4.9 to 5.2 degrees above the calculator, so that is CLOSE ENOUGH!! Here is the program: var corrected_temp = Math.round((tag.temperature * 9 / 5 + 32)*10); var corrected_rssi = Math.round(tag.rssi - 20 * Math.log(tag.txpwr/255)); var corrected_batteryVolt = Math.round(tag.batteryVolt * 1000); var isy_corrected_moisture = 0 var corrected_moisture = Math.round(tag.moisture*10); var T = corrected_temp; var RH = tag.moisture; var dewpoint = Math.round(243.04*(Math.log(RH/100)+((17.625*T)/(243.04+T)))/(17.625-Math.log(RH/100)-((17.625*T)/(243.04+T)))); var corrected_dewpoint = dewpoint - 51 // dewpoint calculation generates a whole number representing XX.X for temperature. So 68.4 degrees F would appear as 684 (due to V4 on ISY) I am not sure how or what I will do with this new datapoint yet.... but that seems to be fairly interesting. //
  9. Speaking of which, just woke up and noticed that my bathroom master fan was on.... so that was puzzling (it is 11:15pm at night and nothing was in the bathroom that should have generated that humidity differential...) Looked at the program... at the humidity delta was at 3, which is below the required 4 for activation.... something to troubleshoot for myself in the morning. That seems like a good practice receiving multiple core inputs from other sensors, and I do that a bit right now. (I do not have all of my sensors installed yet. Still have yet to install all of my Elk sensors or my Brultech. Which I can then use to aid in these programs. When these devices are added I will then be able to process more readily additional outside/inside data. Currently I have KumoApps doing the processing of the variables and core data of its tags, which are then transmitted and stored in state variables. For each tag I store: temp, humidity, humidity_delta, battery, and rssi. Temperature and humidity is rounded to the nearest integer, while voltage is multiplied by 1000 then rounded (so 3.274 volts is stored as 3274). I will likely update that program to change the humidity and temperature to round to the first decimal (so 72.4 degrees becomes 724 in the ISY). The rssi does a bit of calculation to it [this.rssi - 2 * Math.log10(this.txpwr / 255)] as I couldn't figure out how to run that process on those variables from the ISY. I like your tag. "ISY... the best logic puzzle toy yet!" Oh dear god is that true!! It really keeps me on my toes.
  10. Thank you, actually I just came up with it this morning, and it seemed to work well. As for the catastrophic problems, Good idea. However someone is generally always in the house, so that is not likely going to be a problem (at least for me). I do have a CAO sensor outside and I do use other programs to verify the difference between inside humidity and outside humidity, and reported humidity (climate module) to CAO reported humidity. I will add to the programs as needed, to ensure that the levels remain constant, and that there is some redundancy in the programming. I just simplified the programs a lot, I used to have it work based on also if someone is in the bathroom. (Fan shouldn't be on if no one is in there right?? turns out that program had some issues. And the fans didn't run right.)
  11. So I figured I would add to what has been said on this. I am using the GadgetCAO sensors and KumoApps to get humidity for the bathroom and other areas. Using the KumoApps I create a delta (difference between humidity in a "neutral" area and the bathroom). So far they seem to run correctly, I am trying initially keeping the fans independent of the lights. Here are my programs: Main Bath Fan, on: If $CAO_BathroomMain_humidity_delta >= 4 Or ( Control 'Bath, Main - Fan' is switched off And $CAO_BathroomMain_humidity_delta >= 4 ) Then Wait 3 seconds Set 'Bath, Main - Fan' On $BathroomMain_humidity_restored = 0 Else -No Actions Comments: $BathroomMain_humidity_restored: 0 = humidity out of tolerance 1 = humidity within tolerance Main Bath Fan, timer: If Control 'Bath, Main - Fan' is switched On Then Wait 15 minutes Run Program ' Main Bath Fan, off' (If) Else -No Actions Comments: Allow manual control of fan for 15 minutes windows, then evaluate if humidity is within/out of tolerance. Main Bath Fan, off If $CAO_BathroomMain_humidity_delta < 4 And Status 'Bath, Main - Fan' is On AND Program 'Main Bath Fan, timer' is False Then Wait 3 seconds Set 'Bath, Main - Fan' Off $BathroomMain_humidity_restored = 1 Else -No Actions Comments: $BathroomMain_humidity_restored: 0 = humidity out of tolerance 1 = humidity within tolerance
  12. My problem was multi-pronged in the end, what I had to do that worked in my case was: * Change the switch (a few ports on mine were failing). * Exchange out the ethernet cable connecting the ISY to the switch. (I have multiple switches in my home all connecting together and then to a router. (Mine was experiencing intermittent problems, when I used the same cable with my computer it worked fine, but on the ISY it didn't like it. Go figure) And if that all fails, do what I did move the ISY to a completely different circuit in your home. That fixed the problem. (You may say that I don't want to move my ISY, well neither did I, but that is what solved it for me.
  13. Well here is what I came up with. Let me know what you all think. I am going to test it out for a few days and see how well it works. Each light in my network has a default on level of 20% before it goes to its final setting of 30% (night time mode) or 75% (day time mode) which is achieved through different scenes. I also guest-proofed the light switches, as we have people over a lot, and doing fancy things with the light switches is not something they are used to. SO single tap up triggers the light to go to 75% regardless of time. and single tap down triggers the light to go off regardless of time. State variables can be set to one of 5 settings: -1 = force off for 10 minutes 0 = off 1 = dimmed at 30% 2 = Normal on (75%) 3 = Full on (100%) DT On - Kitchen: If Status 'Kitchen KP - Simulate Day' is On And Control 'Kitchen KP - Ceiling' is switched On Then Set Scene 'IND: DT - Kitchen Ceiling' On $Kitchen_Prev = $Kitchen_Current $Kitchen_Current = 2 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') DT Elk On: Kitchen (0 or 2) If Elk Zone 'Kitchen Motion' is Violated And ( Status 'Kitchen KP - Simulate Day' is On Or Folder 'Day Time' is True ) And ( $Kitchen_Current is 0 Or $Kitchen_Current is 2 ) Then Set Scene 'IND: DT - Kitchen Ceiling' On $Kitchen_Prev = $Kitchen_Current $Kitchen_Current = 2 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') DT Elk ON: Kitchen (3): If Elk Zone 'Kitchen Motion' is Violated And ( Status 'Kitchen KP - Simulate Day' is On Or Folder 'Day Time' is True ) And ( $Kitchen_Current is 3 ) Then Set Scene 'IND: DT - Kitchen Ceiling' On $Kitchen_Prev = $Kitchen_Current $Kitchen_Current = 3 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') NT Elk On: Kitchen: If Elk Zone 'Kitchen Motion' is Violated And ( Status 'Kitchen KP - Simulate Day' is Off And Folder 'Night Time' is True ) Then Set Scene 'IND: NT - Kitchen Ceiling' On $Kitchen_Prev = $Kitchen_Current $Kitchen_Current = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') NT On - Kitchen: If Status 'Kitchen KP - Simulate Day' is Off And Control 'Kitchen KP - Ceiling' is switched On Then Set Scene 'IND: NT - Kitchen Ceiling' On $Kitchen_Prev = $Kitchen_Current $Kitchen_Current = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Off - Kitchen: If Control 'Kitchen KP - Ceiling' is switched Off Then Set Scene 'IND: NT - Kitchen Ceiling' Off $Kitchen_Prev = $Kitchen_Current $Kitchen_Current = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Fast Off - Kitchen: If Control 'Kitchen KP - Ceiling' is switched Fast Off Then Set Scene 'Fast: Kitchen Ceiling' Fast Off $Kitchen_Prev = $Kitchen_Current $Kitchen_Current = -1 Wait 10 minutes $Kitchen_Current = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Fast On - Kitchen: If Control 'Kitchen KP - Ceiling' is switched Fast On Then Set Scene 'Fast: Kitchen Ceiling' Fast On $Kitchen_Prev = $Kitchen_Current $Kitchen_Current = 3 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Elk Off: Kitchen (1, 2, 3): If Elk Zone 'Kitchen Motion' is Normal And ( $Kitchen_Current is 1 Or $Kitchen_Current is 2 Or $Kitchen_Current is 3 ) Then Wait 5 minutes Set Scene 'IND: DT - Kitchen Ceiling' Off $Kitchen_Prev = $Kitchen_Current $Kitchen_Current = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  14. Hi yall! I am trying to setup programs for my ISY to control the lighting using the sensors provided by my Elk M1G system. I have already purchased the Elk Module and have begun to work in the programming for it, but between having variables and now the Elk, I am at a lose. What I have is a Elk controlled motion sensor in each room that I want to trigger the lights on when motion is detected (and consequently turn the lights off when no motion is detected) based on the time of the day or the setting of a keypadlinc button (which I have named 'Simulate Daytime'). But I want to have full control over the lights from the switch, because I sometimes throw parties and I want to keep the lights working in 'idiot-proof' mode so that a single tap on will always turn the light on and a single tap off will always turn the light off. I also want to be able to put in an override that is accessible from the keypad or ISY to keep a light dimmed or off (IE while watching a movie, it ruins the movie by the lights ramping up to full when someone moves in their seat. And one final thing, I have 2 lights in the house that are working off of the Elk door sensors that turn the lights on in that room when the door to the outside is opened, how do I set the ISY to remember what the light was at before the door was opened so that when the light returns to the previous level after the door has been closed and the timer expired (say 5 minutes). I know this is a tall order, and I understand a lot of the programming but the use of variables and the Elk module have me at a lose. Thank you for any help you guys can provide. Here is the programming I currently have for the Living Room for the daytime: DT: On -Living Room Ceiling If Status 'Kitchen KP - Simulate Day' is On And ( Control 'Living Room - Ceiling' is switched On Or Control 'Kitchen KP - Living Room' is switched On ) Then Set Scene 'Grp: DT - Living Room Ceiling' On $Living_Room_Light = 1 Else No Actions DT: Off - Living Room Ceiling If Status 'Kitchen KP - Simulate Day' is On And ( Control 'Living Room - Ceiling' is switched Off Or Control 'Kitchen KP - Living Room' is switched Off ) Then $Living_Room_Light = 0 Else No Actions DT: Elk On - Living Room If ( Folder 'Day Time' is True or Status 'Kitchen KP - Simulate Day' is On ) And $Living_Room_Light is not 1 And Elk Zone 'Living R. Motion' is Violated Then Set Scene 'GRP: DT - Living Room Ceiling' On Else No Actions DT: Elk Off - Living Room If ( Folder 'Day Time' is True or Status 'Kitchen KP - Simulate Day' is On ) And Elk Zone 'Living R. Motion' is Normal Then Wait 10 minutes Set Scene 'GRP: DT - Living Room Ceiling' Off $Living_Room_Light = 0 Else No Actions
  15. Okay this is starting to really annoy the hell out of me, not to mention my WAF is going WAY DOWN . My ISY99 has been incredibly slow since I got it. It seems to randomly lock up (the event lock does not show any activity, despite elk zones getting violated, lights going on and off.) Half the time the 99i Administration Console App (the java app that you can install to put a shortcut on your desktop), reports that no ISY is found, but upon a refresh, there it is. About a third of the time, after I launch into Admin Console, before it gives me the login prompt the Admin Console just closes unexpectedly. When saving programs it take about 30-45 seconds to save a single program (where it would take about 10 seconds on my ISY26). When performing of backup of my ISY I get all sorts of errors ('Socket Open Failed java.io.IOException: An existing connection has forcibly closed by the remote host' , 'Socket Timeout Error', and a few others that I cannot think of right now. I have physically removed ALL other devices from my network, by disconnecting their cables, and I have seen no improvement. I have turned off my windows firewall and turned off Microsoft Security Essentials, I am running Windows 7 professional 64bit. WHAT IS CAUSING THIS?????
  16. I just finished making rules and did a backup, no lie it took 12 minutes for the ISY to complete the backup. On my old ISY26 I had 3 times the number of programs and the backup would take about 2-3 minutes (at most). This is really starting to get frustrating. Not to mention during saves I get random errors ('Socket Open Failed java.io.IOException: An existing connection has forcibly closed by the remote host' as well as others.)
  17. Well I previously had my Elk M1 setup with export rules in the ElkRP software, but that has since been removed (now that I have the Elk Module, I do all of the automation programming from within the ISY), my house control software is also linked to the ISY (Cinemar's mainlobby), but that is currently not even setup yet as I just put in a new server and have neglected to finish the ISY configuration until the ISY setup is finalized. Other than those 2 items no other programs are running anywhere on my network that are talking to the ISY network.
  18. It sorta works now (I am not getting the error messages), but it is running painfully slow. I am running Windows 7 Professional 64bit with Microsoft Security Essentials and Windows Firewall. I have tried turning both of them off but have seen no improvement in speed. And sometimes it starts to launch the Admin console and then just quits. Half the time when I start up the Admin console I do not get any status updates, which would point to a firewall issue, but even with the firewall disabled (and windows yelling at me for it), there is only a slight improvement. (Example saving one program takes about 25-45 seconds, versus taking about 5 seconds on my old ISY26.) I am pretty sure I have allowed Java through my firewall.
  19. Could this also be accomplished by accidentally double clicking on the Save Changes button? Because I am only running one client.
  20. Okay so I only temporarily solved my problem, the problem is back and it is showing in the Log as HTTP: Incorrect pgm key [88308384.4F34] What is CAUSING THIS???!!?!
  21. Well I am no closer to understanding the meaning of the error, but what I did notice is when I had the failed import from the ISY26, it transferred 13 of my programs into the 99i before it crashed. I thought by simply deleting these programs from the interface that it would fix it, turns out I was mistaken. To correct the issue I took the SD card out of my 99i and put it in my computer, I made a backup of all of the files, and then deleted the PGM files from the conf/D2D directory (that is where the programs are stored), but the SD card back into my 99i and powered it back up. Now it is working like it is suppose to.
  22. Okay, so I just made the jump from ISY26 to ISY99i, and so far most things are going smoothly. I could not import my ISY26 backup, so I had to recreate everything from hand. (Not too big a deal, just a bit annoying). I finally got all of my devices and basic scenes set up, and started to work on the programs. My first program that I am recreating is my setup Ramp Rates, which turns all lights on to 45%, then I go around the house and double tap the set button, locking in the ramp rate to 2 seconds. For whatever reason when I click save changes I get the following error message: Invalid/incorrect program key [HTTP]] What does that mean???
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