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Everything posted by sjpbailey

  1. Hello, Just finished the Nixie Nodejs PoolController Plugin that i will release after further testing. You have eight possible pumps RS-485 serial control or relay control for Pentair Intelliflo VSF, VS, VF and SuperFlow VS pumps. Standard single speed and two speed relay controlled pumps. Also two Hayward pumps Evo/TriStar VS and Relay VS. Circuits will load automatically so you can add additional features to your Nixie Pool Controller with up to "I believe" 32 Circuits. Cheers
  2. @Goose66@Michel Kohanim https://github.com/brianmtreese/nodejs-pool-controller-polyglotv2 Is anyone porting this to V3? Autelis is out of business, right? i have a customer and myself that have the Nixie stand alone version running with Pentair VSF serial pump control functioning. Separately have an Arduino GPM, ORP, PH, LEVEL Control high and low. Would like to add it as a separate node to this old Plugin. Arduino to RPi as a socket server data grab. Is anyone working on this? I sent Brian the author a message and hopefully he is still working on this. Highest regards
  3. @DennisC, I have a couple. These take a while to create and for some create confusion, especially to new Developers. One thought it a how too exactly, made by UDI and i had to say I didn't work for UDI. You can also ask for a branch to be opened up by the developer for you to work on. It is a suggestion, not a how to. It seems when i try to help others it ends up making people upset. cheers!
  4. @RRoyceus, Thank You for the Compliment as some would have the opposite opinion of me! Sometimes you think you're helping UDI when you may be hurting someones ego at UDI. I do not ever mind helping people! Especially people such as yourself! Tuya for development is fine, Tuya for Commercial use is not. Still using Tuya only on their Tuya Smart phone app now.
  5. @DennisC Here you go. Sorry about the inconvenience;
  6. Well it seems since i made the offer UDI has blocked my use of the the tuya_connector module. So my offer is useless. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  7. I am a new developer now how do i add a plugin? If you have permission and are a new UDI developer, this is how you add a plugin to the local store, visually. So you do not have to know how to code to become a developer. Once you do get on Udemy or whatever your best way to learn is and learn Python or node.js. Then just add a template from the non-production store load it locally and start your own Plugin aka Node Server.
  8. Hello All! You can run plugins not available on the public stores with the developers permission as a developer. Sign up as a developer point at some code on GitHub, assign it to your local plugin store and run it as a plugin, Locally. if you want with my code you will have to ask then i will make a private video on how to add a Plugin to all stores. I enjoy teaching others! If you learn some Python (took me two years) then you can write Plugins also! If you want any of my Plugins to have and to practice development on, simply ASK my permission! Loading them as a local plugin doesn't change any code so its relatively safe or Clone/zip the code and HACK away! It is terrible! i hate to let people down, however i will not let that drag me down. I cannot release tuya for sale, however with an MIT license you can run it as non-commercial developer as this is what Python Module TinyTuya does. You will need to load pulsar first to tell you which to use. Tuya: PULSAR: https://github.com/sjpbailey/udi-tuya-poly-pulsar-api-v3 LED SWITCHES: https://github.com/sjpbailey/udi-poly-tuya-cloud-ver1-v3, RELAYS: https://github.com/sjpbailey/udi-tuya-poly-relay-api-v3, PIR BATTERY: https://github.com/sjpbailey/udi-tuya-poly-pir-api-v3, CURTAIN: https://github.com/sjpbailey/udi-tuya-poly-curtain-prod-v3 ROBOT SWEEPER: https://github.com/sjpbailey/udi-tuya-poly-robotvacuum-api-v3 Enphase: needs development I dropped it as they charged me for their API service! https://github.com/sjpbailey/udi-enphaseII-poly-master-v3 @kzboray can you pass this along! Anyone with or wants become a developer i will share my code as long as nothing is sold or changed. If you ask Michel maybe he will let me put it on the non-production as is, no further device adds. OR Until someone asks TUYA for rights. Steve
  9. Hello, Tuya has been pulled from the Plugin Store. Why? I am the developer of Tuya Plugin(s) formally called a node server(s). Tuya has changed its conditions for their API. You're allowed 50 devices on your configured Tuya API for free if using Home Assistant or the Tuya phone apps provided like Tuya Smart. Commercial use is not allowed! I have no agreement with Tuya like all the other entities have. I cannot afford to have Tuya charge me for all of UDI's Tuya Plugins! I am an independent developer all i have made in total for all of my plugins is $119. Three years of work and now i cannot charge UDI customers for it because it is not allowed, "commercially". Maybe in the future this will be opened up again however as a disabled person i will no longer be involved! Caution: If you currently have a Tuya plugin installed and you delete it, it will be gone forever. I have several other free Plugins i am working on. Contemporary Controls BASpi, Land Rover and Rheem tankless gas water heaters. Tuya is like Enphase Solar and Enphase wanted $280 a month? I haven't made $280 in total yet. Yes i agree Tuya API should be paid for providing a service. If I cannot be paid i have no incentive to write code for anyone for free. 10% of nothing is Nothing, 0%. Making a better product is one thing however not being rewarded for doing so is not what i have ever done. If you provide a service you should be paid! However if it is someone else's service you window into then you really have no rights, MIT license or not. Only if you pay additionally for the API the Plugin windows into. I strongly believe in UDI's presence in the home automation world and enjoy the code development i have learned on my own here. As a retired disabled person who has additional anxiety issues due to past injuries, i want to enjoy my short time left. Take care, The Best to You All! Bailey
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  10. @cmccartney, I just put the repository back on GitHub If you can work a deal with them and find a developer to take it on then I will gladly give the code away. https://github.com/sjpbailey/udi-enphaseII-poly-master-v3 It's what I do spend months and months on code only to have it be given away. "10% of nothing while making sense with little cents" LOL have a great day. If you find someone it is best to email me to respond sjpbailey1961@gmail.com Steve
  11. Hello @cmccartney, You will have to check with Enphase. I developed a Plugin a while back then the changed authentication and then I received a bill for $280 (a month) to continue so I was out. You may want to call them because I don't understand how SolarEdge gives its customers a free page and Enphase thinks I am in business linking systems together for a business. So in otherwords I don't think they want anyone using something other than their Application. Regards, Steve
  12. Hello Everyone, I would like to add a touchscreen display to my Eisy so i can mount it on a control panel door for a human interface. Is there a FreeBSD driver loaded in Eisy for this? It would also be great if we had some pages that allow overrides of equipment nodes like the phone app favorites does. It would be a seller to someone to see their system control panel with a Universal Devices Logo as a screen saver spinning until touched. The small display has Mini HDMI cables for my display. Maybe it would also saved some room to have these instead of full size HDMI ports on Eisy, next version? The Best to You All! Bailey
  13. Hello, This pertains to development. I have two node servers i used for testing some development nodes with two customers, Tuya-Tester and Tester in non-production. The Customer has un-installed the Tuya-Tester Node Server. However it is still in their purchases and they have no way of deleting it there. Its a free test node, they have purchased nothing. I have put Tuya-Tester as Inactive and it does so for about two hours. Delete it and it will not go away? Remove Purchase options and they appear? So these functions do not work for me as they should. There has to be a way to let the Developer delete their work if they choose to. I also cannot control who gets a refund or a free node let alone control the nodes that are no longer necessary? I feel i should be able to do all of these functions without bugging anyone, as it is not a ticket-able item. I also should see who has purchased my nodes so i can contact my list of customer about an possible update. Also to move them from Beta to a workable Production node server, as Beta is supposed to be for testing. Regards
  14. @bgrubb1 Did you install any node servers after you updated? I had one node server installed on my Development Polisy and it is running after 3.2.3. Try to install a new node server and they do not run. Eisy all Nodes 17 of my Node servers all show basic configuration in their log and all of them are down. I am in Bodega Bay "the birds" 60 years and art
  15. Still looping in basic configuration?
  16. polisy one node server cane back up cannot install any node servers, eisy completely down on all node servers!!! All nodes servers are still down re-install all node servers does nothing! i am leaving for Bodega Bay and my house is down! one sprinkler was ON all night. so idk who else is experiencing this but i am not happy
  17. Dammit Jim! LOL!!!! WTH? I should have looked before i took my whole system down. I guess this is also my fault? Why I cannot update Tuya. OKAY! I can surely see manually controlling my equipment for a few days. I put in a ticket so now what, we just sit and look at it like a pet rock? I see everyone else is: 2023-09-03 01:25:49,640 MainThread udi_interface INFO polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30 2023-09-03 01:25:51,629 MainThread udi_interface INFO polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30 2023-09-03 01:25:53,360 MainThread udi_interface INFO polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30 2023-09-03 01:25:55,100 MainThread udi_interface INFO polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30 2023-09-03 01:25:56,455 MainThread udi_interface INFO polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30
  18. Javier, I did a power reboot and it finally synced! Did this last updated do anything for UOM 25 indexed text to work from a node server on here? Thank you for your Time!
  19. No need for a ticket. Must be a node that was pulled by UDI...
  20. Hello All, i have a question, why do i not get any notifications for an update to PG3 or PG3x? For that i get no updates on software changes that may affect released nodes. As a so called developer i think i should get a notification or an email after an update is tested and it works, is functional. Did i miss sighing up for alerts on software updates? Because i have received nothing in the way of information without having to dig for it on this or a chat site like discord or slack? I would rather be writing code then socializing on a web site. IMPORTANT: Also customers of Node Servers, you all need to make sure you're updated to the latest working update not beta. Or at least to the released PG3x version the node was developed in. This should be added to the nodes purchase options so the customer can see which version they're at in comparison to what the node was developed at. This is where the breakdown is. a node will work for me as the developer because i am at version 3.2.2. However if you're at version 3.1.62 it will or may not work for you. This needs to change because it effects all functionality of what we are all trying to do, have a functioning system that is not hiccuped by an update and causing an unnecessary Ticket! Regards!
  21. sjpbailey

    Mobile App

    Mobile app no longer syncing Eisy before and after update? Already sent it to Mobile crash report. Polisys work however Eisy does not?
  22. I did try yesterday and it didn't work. I just updated to 3.2.2 reboot from Admin Console, same problem reinstall my installed the node and the first time No valid API call. Second reboot Eisy with a six button kill. Now it seems to install however that is just a single test. I will close this if i no longer have issues. Mobile App still show Index Numbers instead of Text in nls? So of course this update was not for that. This is my main issue now, it seems. It's Sunday i am going to practice whatever i want according to the constitution, and that is not node development 😂 So no code today for the Rest of my day, i need to GET some rest! Note: Every update and reset all my email alert text from AC dump to my phone. Have a great day!
  23. I hope so is it released yet? I will try it as i did try a update within Admin Console...
  24. Hello, Issues i have recently encountered with PG3x 3.2.1 and IOX 5.6.4. While developing a node server for Jaguar Land Rover now tested on both Eisy and Polisy. About every other node install in developer mode and not in developer mode i get and error?, interface:_message: No valid API calls provided Invalid command received in message from PG3: 'message' {"addnode":[{"address":"controller","name":"Jaguar Control","nodeDefId":"landctrl","primaryNode":"controller","drivers":[{"driver":"ST","value":1,"uom":2,"name":"Online"}],"hint":[0,0,0,0],"private":null,"rename":false}]} Well try to install again without changing any code and it installs?? Now everything functions in the Jaguar poly using Admin Console and all of my indexed text shows up. However the mobile app shows a 0 or 1 the index numbers used? I have rebooted everything re-sinked the app restarted IOX... still nothing brings up Mobile App indexed text! I will still release the Jaguar Node Server but am uncomfortable with the phone app not visually correct. Albeit functions within the mobile app as expected. Has there been an update to how we write Python code for the poly or is this something needed to be fixed with the mobile app? Also, Why is IOX occasionally showing not connected in polyglot when i am connected in start.jnl?
  25. So far update is working and I removed a driver from the Tuya controller. After the latest 3.2.1 update i have had 0 issues and no more notifications from Tuya phone app with that and an update. Now working on Jaguar, Land Rover, Discovery node server. Great Job! @bmercier @kzboray i will look into that today and look at version numbers. Had a couple nodes in one of my Polisy's that had old local store nodes that were changed to Production. When i changed them to production the local nodes stayed effecting the Production nodes causing issues like this! I did edit a couple things without updating version # so i will look at that today as i also have to add a, Air Circulation Unit and a Curtain Control for @koln1011. List is getting longer for Tuya! All i can hear is playing is! "nobodies fault but mine" Led Zeppelin!
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