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Everything posted by gdb

  1. https://developer.isy.io/blog/Home Assistant Is another article
  2. Thank you! The problem seemed to be I had set the local credentials as they were present in the backup. I deleted them from the Local part of the configuration, and then re-entered the my.isy.io creds in the remote section and they were accepted. I appreciate your help Javi! G Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Thank you for the quick reply Javi! I will restore the backup again! To make sure I am using the correct credentials, Should I be using the ones for my.isy.io? Thanks Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. Sorry the UD mobile version is 1.1.38 (171) on iOS 17.1.1 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Hi, Many months ago installed UD mobile on my iPad and it has been working ok. Around the house, I normally have my iPad and use it when I need to control most things. I am about to travel and realized that I didn’t have UD mobile on my iPhone so I installed it, and after restoring the configuration backup from my iPad, I received an “invalid token” error, please login again. I enter the credentials for my.isy.io and I receive “Invalid Password”. The password is autofilled from 1PW. I try copy/paste from 1PW, same error. I open safari on the iPhone, go to my.isy.io and use the same 1PW credential to log in and it is successful. What am I overlooking! Thanks G Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. gdb

    ZMatter USB Internals

    So the board screws into the dongle after clipping into the edge connector (the long white piece you see somewhat near the USB connector) the dongle then just plugs into the Polisy or Eisy. My plan was originally to migrate from my isy to the Polisy and install the board inside the Polisy. Then my Polisy hiccuped pre migration right as the eisy shipped, so I have received the eisy and migrated everything to it, zwave included via the dongle. Everything has been rock solid. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. gdb

    ZMatter USB Internals

    I think the board inside the dongle will work perfectly in a polisy is what I was trying to communicate. It just plugs into the circuit board inside the dongle, and you will have to move the two antenna to the holes in the polisy chassis. I initially bought the board on the right for my polisy, then purchased the dongle to hold it. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. gdb

    ZMatter USB Internals

    https://www.universal-devices.com/product/zmatter-usb-enclosure/ UDI also sells the enclosure by itself if you have the zmatter board and want to convert it to usb Here is a pic of the individually purchased zmatter board on the right and where it fits without modification in the enclosure Edit: The enclosure kit also contains the antennas, I just didn’t put them in the picture. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. gdb

    ISY994 trade in

    I have found that UDI goes above and beyond what many companies do. Their level of support is fantastic. Their comment on sending two isn’t really harsh, they are saying one trade in per purchase, send in your most recent isy! (They spell that out clearly) 😊 Also, many companies don’t even offer a trade in unless your purchase of the original item was very recent (the best I have seen is less than a year, and some limit trade ins to only 2-3 months)! UDI’s offer of trading in a device purchased in 2019 or later seems very generous!
  10. gdb

    EISY shipping info?

    I spotted the shipment coming from Encino, CA on my Informed Delivery dashboard! [emoji4] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. And ordered! [emoji4]
  12. DHCP Option 42 allows you to tell clients what NTP server to use. pool.ntp.org is a good choice if you don’t have a local device to serve that purpose. If you do have a local device, then point it at pool.ntp.org, and set option 42 to tell everything on your network to look at your local device so that you are only making outside requests from one device.
  13. Thank you MrBill! I had never scrolled down that far to see it. I'll try to catch up ;-)
  14. I am watching this project to see where it goes: https://www.home-assistant.io I am not even close to jumping in there, but it has promise with both zwave and zigbee, as well as a growing number of integrations. The platform can run on a raspberry Pi, or on their own hardware platform. This is the second generation of their hardware, the first is an Odroid model: https://www.crowdsupply.com/nabu-casa/home-assistant-amber One thing I like about it is, like the ISY, the processing is happening in your house. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. No worries, I am not an EE either, and a lot of what I know on many subjects came from the patient explanations of those who knew more than me. I just wanted to give you a better answer than: “It won’t work”. Have a great day! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Hi Kevin, The port that looks like Ethernet on the Serial PLM (and ISY) isn’t really Ethernet, it is serial, and the RF component of the Insteon protocol isn’t WiFi, it is actually in the 915Mhz unlicensed spectrum. There is also the signaling on the house wiring that the PLM performs, which is in addition to the radio signaling that may be important to some due to devices they have, or for reliability/redundancy. Neither of these signaling methods exist in an off the shelf Pi. For those that like technical gore: https://www.rfwireless-world.com/Terminology/Insteon-RF-and-Powerline-Protocol-basics.html Which is a summary of a technical document from Insteon. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. That would work as long as whatever power event that damaged the main board didn’t also damage the daughter board.
  18. As I found in the manufacturer component discontinuation notice linked above, hopefully Insteon placed an order for those power supply chips before the deadline in August of last year. If so, they may have just received them last month and can put the existing model back in production for at least as many units as they ordered chips for, unless another component was affected by the global chip shortage. If they missed that order deadline, (or maybe still have an inventory of the discontinued chip) then the chip shortage may be the whole reason for the delay. In any case, The discontinuation will force a redesign. As it is, i can’t order the replacement chip because it is discontinued. Edit: on top of that component being discontinued, the serial interface chip on the daughter board is showing a factory lead time of 52 weeks in some places https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Texas-Instruments/MAX232EIDRG4?qs=iSMark9AYDW3p9P53M18cA%3D%3D
  19. Glad to see some progress on alternatives here! (Edited to complete sentence) I recently had a nearby lightning event, and unfortunately it took out my 2413s PLM. I fortunately had a spare, but I noticed the dead one rattled when I unplugged it. I opened it up and found the upper part of an IC was loose in the device. Upon searching for the part to see what it did, I found the data sheet: https://www.mouser.com/datasheet/2/328/lnk353_354-1512725.pdf it is an AC/DC converter. Digging a little deeper, it is obsolete, with no pin compatible replacement. https://www.mouser.com/PCN/Power_Integrations_PCN_19341_Obsolescence_of_Link_HF_Products.pdf Speculation on my part: The link above indicates that the manufacturer was taking final orders up to August 30, 2020, with final deliveries on August 30, 2021. This may be the reason for the new interface devices in the FCC database. Not speaking for anyone but my own amateur self. About to go poke around in my Polisy. Thanks
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