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  1. K-bert's post in Late to the game but finally ordered the eisy, but I am really going to miss web interface. was marked as the answer   
    I migrated from an ISY994 to EISY early last year. Mine sits on a shelf next my modem and router in the basement. The only three things connected to it are the Z-matter dongle, a USB Insteon PLM, and the power cord. I have never connected a monitor or mouse or keyboard. I had to do the initial setup using the UD Mobile to get it connected to my home network, but after that I have used the java based admin console to set everything up and change things from either my desktop or laptop computer.
    I just followed the instructions fond here:
    I hope this helps.
  2. K-bert's post in Z-wave Leviton dimmer and switches problem was marked as the answer   
    That was the program I was using in the ISY. It worked well for these switches.
    I received a reply to my ticket:
    "HAIL does work for some devices but does not for others, it depends on whether it is defined by the device as SUPPORTED vs CONTROLLED.
    We are waiting on a fix to the library we are using that will work for both modes."
    So hopefully this will be working again in a future update.
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