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Everything posted by coinserv

  1. coinserv

    UDI EISY Update 2025

    So how is UD planning to update our EISYs? Do we have to request the update someplace? Can we D/L an ISO to load on a USB drive to boot from? I have been monitoring for a month now since the announcement and I have not seen any mention of how to upgrade.
  2. coinserv

    UDI EISY Update 2025

    Yes it seems like since I switched to MAC, my Java interface has worked a bit better. I am so used to the interface that so far, I have had little interest in the HTML interface. I am still wondering how OS 14.1 will be installed on my EISY and when it will be available.
  3. Thanks Paul. I use SSH and Linux all the time, just never with my eisy (or isy994) before. I may look into the developer's section and see what I might be able to contribute. Just what I need, another project to play with! Boy when you are retired you NEVER get a day off!
  4. How do I view my current OS version? I see no prompt for it in the Iox JavaScript interface nor the UD Mobile app.
  5. coinserv

    What is OS 14.1?

    I see the announcement that there is something called OS 14.1 that will be available this month. I was looking for where and how it is downloaded/installed. I am finding nothing so far. Even when I look at running versions in my EISY I see firmware Iox v5.8.4, eisy (5226), PG3x 3.2.27, UD Mobile 1.1.86 but NOWHERE can I find a version with a number like OS xx.x in my system. I want to be able to integrate my eisy with HomeKit and the only piece I am missing is something called OS 14.1 that is supposed to be released this month. What is it? Where is it downloaded from? How do I install it?
  6. Thanks for the help. IP is fine. Units work with Kasa iPhone app AND with the BASH script. I just wanted to integrate it with ISY. Heading out for extended vacation. Will pick this up again in a couple months.
  7. Yes, the "test" button is greyed out until both "save" buttons are pressed. Already did that. Maybe Kasa (or TPlink) changed something in newer modules?
  8. I was able to set them to 'binary', but that did not change anything. What I am doing is on the 'Network Resources' page, after entering and saving the information, I highlight the command and press the 'test' button at the bottom of the screen. Even if the 'test' button worked, I dont see anything added on the Main page that would allow me to include these devices in any programs. I hit the road for a month starting tomorrow. Maybe there will be an answer by the time I get back home.
  9. I purchased a 4 pack and got them running on the Kasa AP using static IP addresses from my DHCP server. I downloaded the shell script mentioned by @MWareman and that works just fine. Now I would like to integrate with my ISY994, but I am now lost. I see that @TJF1960 posted some information on how to enter the information into the 'Network Resources' but after finding and entering the information, I am still not getting any response from the switch. I have tried both TCP and UDP without any result. I then tried the server that @MrBill mentioned was written by @Jimbo but I could not find enough information on the GIT page to get the server running. I am not finding 'Polyglot Server' in the UI and I don't see anything Kasa on the Polyglot Cloud page. I did see some other items submitted by @Jimbo there.
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