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  1. My upgrade from .15 went fine with the exception that I lost the status of both thermostats. I had to actually turn on heating and cooling in order to get the correct status back. Not sure if that's normal on reboots, I didn't pay attention last time I bounced. Heiko
  2. That's exactly what I want, randomly executing the block (or not). Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work, it always executes all the blocks. Using Wait is my backup solution, but this would cause my TV simulation not to be random. It would always go from 50%, to 75%, to 100%. I could probably make the code a bit more extensive, so it looks more random. Heiko
  3. Hi, I'm trying to write a program which simulates a TV being on, using a dimmer (as part of my vacation programs). This is what I currently have: If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Repeat 1 times (Random) Wait 3 seconds Wait 3 seconds (Random) Set 'LR LampLinc TV' 50% Repeat 1 times (Random) Wait 3 seconds Wait 3 seconds (Random) Set 'LR LampLinc TV' 75% Repeat 1 times (Random) Wait 3 seconds Wait 3 seconds (Random) Set 'LR LampLinc TV' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I was hoping that the "Repeat 1 times (Random)" would work to randomly execute certain statements, but that didn't work so well. I guess the 'randomness' is between 1 and the value specified (was hoping it's 0). Is there another way to randomly execute statements? Thanks Heiko
  4. Michel, thanks for the update. Unfortunately this doesn't work either. If I select 'Raw Text', then there's no 'Replace with' available. There was no 'not specified' available when I chose the type 'Insteon'. In addition to that, simply selecting the correct device didn't help either. As soon as I change it (manually) from 'not specified' to the correct device, the action (i.e. setting heat setpoint to 72) is lost (in this case it defaulted back to 'query') and I had to set everything again. My ISY is already configured correctly again, but you may get a flood of complains once folks start replacing their thermostat adapter with the v2.0. Heiko
  5. Hi, I just replaced a device via the replace function, but my programs did not get corrected. I had to go through all programs and replace the with the correct device. ISY-99I/IR Pro v2.7.7 Heiko
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