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Everything posted by cdave1252
Grabbag of hubs/controllers, switches, relays, transceiver/repeaters, modules! Universal Devices ISY994i X10/Zwave hub Insteon 2413S Dual-Band Serial Interface PowerLinc Modem V1.C Not Factory-reset, works fine! X10 ActiveHome CM15A Pro USB Transceiver Module IBM Home Director HD501 AC Remote Module 500W (2 each) like TM751 Wireless Transceiver Insteon 2635-222 AC On-off Module 3 conductor 1800W HD465 IBM Lamp module (4 each)like LM465 Plug-in Lamp Module HD466 IBM Appliance module (2 each)like AM466 X10 Appliance Module X10 Pro XPFM Fixture Module 15A (3 each) X10 Pro XPS3 Master Wall Switch White 2400 Watts (3 each) like WS13A Decorator Wall Switch HD467 IBM Wall Switch Module (500 watts) like WS467 Wall Switch Module Insteon 2843-222 Open/Close Sensor IBM HD23A handheld Remote Control (2 each)like Powerhouse UR19A SuperRemote INSTEON 2842-222 Motion Sensor (3 each) X10 Activehome MS16A ActiveEye Motion Sensor (Outdoor) (2 each) X10 Activehome MS14A EagleEye Motion Sensor (Outdoor) X10 Pro XPPF Plugin Filter Module Powerflash PSC01 Security Interface (receives contact input) X10 Powerhouse UM506 (1) and X10 Pro PUM01 (2 ea) Universal Module (controls DC relay) X10 Pro XPCR Coupler Repeater Amplifier Home Director HD11A PC Connection Module (2 each) like CM11A ActiveHome Serial Plug-In Controller requires DB9 Connector serial connection to PC (or Serial-to-USB adapter) Includes a IBM Home Director Software for PC Windows, CDROM reply cdave1000@gmail.com or 1-512-260-1475
Re my Kaspersky Internet Security, I originally merely disabled it ("Pause Protection"). BUT it turns out that parts of Kaspersky were still running, and this was blocking this critical part of Java traffic from UD. After SHUTTING DOWN Kaspersky completely, the start.jnlp worked PERFECTLY. I am now able to execute the Admin Console (LAN) AOK. Something has changed in Kaspersky IS that makes this bad thing happen. I will need to figure out how to fix that! I closed my ticket and ma very impressed with the help I got here in this forum, as well as the UD tech support folks!
Geddy, Thank you for your prompt reply! Yes I had a typo.... java is Update 341. Model: ISY 994i 256 Platform: ISY-C-994 Version: 5.3.4 I followed your detailed cleaning and install instructions in seqeunce including reboot. I also installed the 32bit version Java as techman suggested. (after installing the 64 bit version) After saving the start.jnlp file on my desktop, and clicking on it, I still get the same error, as shown in the attached files of my last posting.... "Unable to load resource.... isy.jnlp" I notice that the icon for start.jnlp is different from yours (see attached screenshot). Note that I can use Firefox for this URL: https://x.y.z.t/WEB/udajax.htm and this displays the generic menu for my ISY installation (see attached). I wish this had the full features I see using the admin version. FYI, I during all this I keep my Kaspersky IS disabled as well as the VPN. I checked my system memory and notice Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath.... and ...C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath... I explored this directory and found various java executables... all dated with today's installation Regards, Dave
I am having same problem! And I am unable to use the GUI that you get with start.jnlp to set my Zwave device parameters. I was using the admin GUI admin.jnlp for this. I would really like to have the admin GUi back! I have tried uninstall and reinstall of Java 64 Version 8 sub 351 on my Windows 10 Pro machine, including all of the recommended actions on Java config.
I need to get my current SolarRadiation value from my WS2000 weather station here at home and somehow transport it via the network into my ISY994i I would like to save this value 0-1000 (in a variable?) for my ISY programs to use in a variety of ways. For example, control a switch for a peak-sun load that needs to turn off during clouds or too low on horizon. I see comments on integrating using Polisy (I do not have this). I do have my Zwave devices running through the Zwave on-board. Is there another (non-Polisy) way to configure getting the SolarRadiation value from the AmbientWeather network site and making it available to my ISY programs?
I was able to do a permanent workaround to this. I took Relay 2 out of the circuit wiring (not used). I am able to set an appropriate Zwave parameter for Relay 1 (on duration) to 20ms, and set this parameter in the relay just before sending an ON command to the device. The living room LED light turns off completely. Whenever I want to turn the LED light on, I set the same Zwave parameter for Relay 1 (on duration) to 500ms and then send an ON command to the device. This duration sets the variable brightness to the desired brightness. So, two relays are not needed... simply repurpose the single relay to do 2 different jobs.
I have also run a Diagnostic log (Communications) during the set up time for this device (now 13) It includes Adding ISY node(s) for new Z-Wave device 13 type 4.16.1 ISY-Events-Log.v5.3.4__Thu 2022.02.24 12.12.36 PM.txt
Qubino Flash 2 Relay has 2 independently controlled relays. I like the potential of this device, as it has configurable parameters that allow each relay to turn on/off for a fairly-precise duration. One relay can be set to turn on for about 3.5 seconds, which drives a single 2-wire input on my living room LED lighting strip to reach a certain brightness level. The other relay can be set to under 0.5 second (simulate momentary), which should turn the LED lights off. When putting ISY into "add Zwave Device" mode, I plug in the device and it automatically recognizes the device and adds 2 items to my device list on the ISY Admin panel. (See screenshots) But it is missing creation of a switch definition for the 2nd relay. The On/Off buttons for the 1st switch in ISY works AOK, altho it turns both relays on and off. The parameters for each relay can be set for a ON time duration, and this works AOK also. I have tried remove and add this device multiple times, with no change. The device is Qubino Z-Wave Plus Flush 2 Relay Module ZMNHBD3 I have the Zwave 500 board installed and v5.3.4 on my ISY 994i and I have other Z-Wave devices AOK. How does Z-wave work when establishing a device? Does the device itself communicate about the individual entities to create, or does our ISY ZWave interpret what type of device is being connected and ISY creates its own set of defined devices? Any thoughts on how I can diagnose this problem? (attached is a log for creation time plus an On/Off action) UDReport.xlsx
I was able to get my PLM working (inlcuing the motion sensors conencted with it) by using the Admin Console File->restore Modem (PLM). On some of my programs, I had to re-save them (click Save option) to make them operational. I very much appeciate the documentation for updating my ISY to v5.3.4
Yes, I followed the directions exactly, which included these actions.
After running a link scan (via admin console LinkManagement->Advanced Options, my ISY scanned the network devices. Apparently some repair was managed! The individual device display stays the same, but now I can turn on and off various X10 devices, except for those connected via the Insteon 2450 PLM . These are X10 motion sensors. Any ideas on how to get these working again?
I upgraded from 4.9.0 to 5.3.4 Following the upgrade instructions. Everything seems to migrate okay, except that my X10 devices are not working. Example, turing on and of a light using ISY admin panel. I notice that the X10 values (example "C2") are on the main screen when I display a list of all network devices. I notice that the X10 code value (house/unit) such as "C1" is not displayed at the top of the screen when I look at the individual device screen. Only the hex number ID number associated with the linked item is shown. I also have some devices connected to an Insteon 2450 PLM (motion sensors), and these also are missing the house/unit code as well. How do I get the X10 working again?
I have cleared the Windows Java cache. When restarted, I see now that: Firmware v4.9.0, UI 4.9.0 The ISY box is upright. The scenario still fails, as described previously. Will upgrading my ISY Firmware help? Is this merely doing Help->Manually Upgrade ISV ? I have ordered an Aeotec Range Extender 7 to increase my network range.
I have installed a Zooz ZEN51 Dry Contact relay. When I execute a scene, it runs Set ZW 004 Binary switch ON The relay (and its green LED) immediate turns on. That part works fine. But at the same time other ZWAVE commands are apparently sent. A status window with progress line is displayed "System Busy" [FF 05 03 1] DON 255 Then another is displayed "System Busy" [ZW004_1] ERR 1 Lastly, a Popup error message, "Cannot Communicate With ZW 004 Binary Switch (ZW004_1). Please check connections." I have another ZWave device ZEN15 Power Switch that also yields similar messages whan I send ON or OFF commands to it. Both devices work fine (relayes turn on/off immediately), but yield error messages from other background zwave activity. I have installed the 500 add-on board to the ISY. Firmware v4.9.0, UI 4.7.3 Zwave->Advanced->Zwave Version yields Library= Zwave Version= Bootloader Version 0.00 My ISY error log no longer works (Request Failed" message, and last item reported 2 days ago System -251006 ZWave 29 Set Config ZW003_1 1/1/0 I have already tried the menu option Heal Zwave. How can I get the Zwave ON and OFF actions to work, without the error messages?
When I click on Tools->Error Log I get a popup error message "Request Failed" The ordinary Log works just fine. My attached devices and scenes seem to work AOK. This has become important to me as I am trying to diagnose problems adding ZWave devices and I thought that viewing the Error Log would be helpful. UDReport_turn_on_device_log.xlsx