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  1. Thanks for all the input everyone. I really don't look forward to integrating "one more thing". But I definitely have some mission critical alerts. They're rarely sent, for example when the furnace goes out. But, that is one message I can't wait for when I'm away for 3 months! If I can figure out integrating CAI digital temperature probes and getting UD Mobile up and running, how hard can Spark be? Be well.
  2. MrBill, my carrier is Cellcom. Which is @cellcom.quiktxt.com. I have no idea if this is a SMS gateway. How do I check for that? However, inspired by your SMS comment, I scrounged around and accidentally found a workaround. Workaround (or actual solution) found! When using the above "@cellcom.quiktxt.com" I get the messages without CRLF. But, I discovered Cellcom has another message method, which is "@pics.cellcom.com". When I use that, I get the attached result on my phone. I have no idea why it works. But all of it is actual text, not pictures. This includes the "This is a message to test..." portion I wanted formatted.
  3. I tried Shift+Enter in the customization box and it does nothing. I also tried every way I know of to insert a CR and LF. I tried all combinations of ASC(13), ASC(10), chr(13), chr$(10), $chr(13), @0x0a, etc. I believe UI is stripping out special codes and reassembling my message. Any other thoughts? Is there someone at Universal Devices I can query? Documentation is a bit "skimpy" on Customizations as far as I can tell.
  4. asbril, I don't know what Pushover is, but I'll look into it.
  5. Is it possible to insert blank lines, or even just carriage return/line feeds, in customized content so it shows up in text messages? I would like to format messages better and the line feeds get lost in sending the messages. Attached is an example of a customized message, and examples of the notification I receive on my phone. I'd like what I see on the phone to better match the customization. And, I do understand long lines of text will wrap regardless. Can anyone help? By the way, for "What I see on phone", the first (top) message was plain text, the second HTML, and the last (bottom) was XML. Not sure why only the program name, and not the body too, shows up with the XML option checked. On final thought. I noticed an "HTML" in the system configuration portion. So, I attached a screen shot of that too. My firmware and UI are both "Insteon_UD994 v.5.3.4 (2021-07-07-14:46:02 )"
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